Wednesday, July 30, 2008
times have changed
As I watch my 12 year old daughter grow and change I often think back to my life as a young girl and compare and contrast our lives.......some things are very similar....doing crafts, being concerned about what to wear, fitting in, loving to be with cousins and doing fun stuff, sleeping in....yet some things are very different these days.....I remember at the age of 12 my parents sent my sister ( who was 9!) and I on a Greyhound bus from Buffalo to Watertown N.Y......with a bus change in Syracuse......I remember my mom taking us to the bakery to pick out petite fours and cookies for the trip....she pinned a $20 dollar bill inside the pocket of my cardigan sweater and we were off!!!.....we were going to visit my grandparents who were on vacation at Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks and they were picking us up in Watertown at the gas station that also served as a bus depot......I sat with the white box wrapped in string with the treats inside on my lap while my sister played old maid with the elderly lady sitting next to her......on our layover in Syracuse we sat at the chairs with the t.v.'s attatched to the armrests and watched Leave it to Beaver.....we almost missed our bus being called and made a run for it....when we ran up I realized I had left the tickets back at the tv chairs!!!.........well, we made it there and had a wonderful week....but looking back on it I can't help but think how times have changed!!!........I could not even fathom leaving my daughter at the mall, let alone sending her on a Greyhound!!!!!....have times changed!!!!
seven up
The other morning at kickboxing while we were jumping rope..(yeah! they finally got some new jumpropes!!)....I was thinking about how much fun jumping rope used to be when I was in fourth grade.....not so much anymore!.......then I remembered a game we played all the time called seven up......I would go over to my friend Nancy's house and stand in her front yard and yell "Oh Nan-cy, can you come out and play?".....this was way before texting!!!!....she would run out and we would play all day....and when we got thirsty we would drink from the hose!!!...I asked around to see if anyone remembered the rules because I thought it would be nostalgic to play it with my daughter, and no one could remember of course I did one of my favorite things, and googled it!!!.....and if you'd like to are the rules.................this is a game for 2 or 3 players that requires a wall (usually the side of a house or school) paved ground and a medium sized ball.....each of the seven levels is done seven times and then repeated seven times with seven different additions. You continue up the levels until you make a mistake, at which time you turn the ball over to the next player. When your turn comes again you begin from the level you missed previously......the levels are as follows:
1. throw the ball against the wall and catch it seven times
2. throw the ball against the wall and allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
3. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times
4. throw the ball against the wall, hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
5. throw the ball against the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once and catch it seven times
6. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and dribble it once and catch it seven times
7.throw the ball against the wall hit it back to the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once, hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times
Once you've done each of these seven levels, do each level again with the following additions:
1. clap once after throwing the ball
2. clap twice after after throwing the ball
3. twirl in a circle after throwing the ball
4. do the seven levels using only your right hand
5. do the seven levels using only your left hand
6. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your right leg
7. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your left leg
........and there you have it!!!!!!!........something to try one of these days when you realize the kiddos been watching tv way to long and you yell at them to go outside and find something to do!!!!!
1. throw the ball against the wall and catch it seven times
2. throw the ball against the wall and allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
3. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times
4. throw the ball against the wall, hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
5. throw the ball against the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once and catch it seven times
6. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and dribble it once and catch it seven times
7.throw the ball against the wall hit it back to the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once, hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times
Once you've done each of these seven levels, do each level again with the following additions:
1. clap once after throwing the ball
2. clap twice after after throwing the ball
3. twirl in a circle after throwing the ball
4. do the seven levels using only your right hand
5. do the seven levels using only your left hand
6. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your right leg
7. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your left leg
........and there you have it!!!!!!!........something to try one of these days when you realize the kiddos been watching tv way to long and you yell at them to go outside and find something to do!!!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
cedar point
Just back from the family vacay at Cedar was with my husband's past years we have gone to Myrtle Beach, house boat vacations, beach houses, cottages on a lake......but this was a first!!........we had beautiful weather to go to the park and Soak City....but I have to admit I am NOT a thrill seeker!!!!!....(and I hate scary movies too!)...I am very happy to hold everyones stuff, take picutres, eat junk and take Cubby around to his rides.....I can't even ride in the back seat of my mini van let alone go 125 mph on a roller coaster....I did ride a few with Cubby and one of my nieces and felt truly compelled to scream her name the entire time, like it was her fault that I was hating it and felt utterly out of control!!!...and I've never seen so many tatoos in my life!! it an amusement park thing??....we took some pool breaks...cocktails included!.... ate out in restaurants......which was wonderful!!!.....because all of the other trips entail the moms taking a turn cooking a night for the crowd of 25 plus breakfasts and this was a treat!!! first glance the cabins we stayed in were really cute.....but on closer examination they were just really mobile homes tricked out to look like a cabin....I can see how a lot of domestics can start in a trailer if you were living in one full time.........the girls even sneaked in a quick trip to Target .... it was all good.........until my 11 year came down with a 104 fever and threw up on the way home!!!....bummer.......
Monday, July 21, 2008
back at it.......
It was time for the girls to get together again....this time at McConnel's Mill for a picnic, a simple craft, hike, terrariums, girl chit chat and lots of picture taking..... all with 13 kids!!!!....I sent out a few emails with the idea of just making easy leather bracelets and taking a hike ....but we added the terrariums after jennifer juniper recieved one in the mail as a treat....we set up camp at the picnic tables, had lunch and then made easy leather bracelets by tying beads on randomly.....we headed off on our hike and collected a bunch of wonderful green treasures for our glass jars.....the results were awesome!!!!!!.....I love mine!!!....the kids created little mini ones in little jars as well........what a terrific day!!!! we all gathered up our bags, baskets, cameras and terrariums and left the bubble of the day behind....I couldn't help but glance around and think I just don't want it to end!
Friday, July 18, 2008
piggy wiggys
I love taking pictures of my kids feet!!!!!!.....this is the latest one from the pool yesterday.....I do it a few times a the beach, in their new crocs,
watching tv.......and when they were babies I was obsessed....especially when that little bitty end one was the size of a tic tac!!!!.....and needless to say when they were that tiny I loved to sniff them and nibble them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
little treasures
This is my collection...well, it's actually two collections....plastic crap and pez dispensers.....I have a few others...but this one no one really knows about.... little treasures and super balls from the hair cutting place in town that I have found around my house for the past 12 pockets, the dryer, in my van, in baskets of toys, tucked away in many places.......I guess I collect them for a few different reasons......they're just cute....colorful....and I know this is crazy...but I want them to be a time capsule of when my kids were little....and I'd like to pull them out some day when my kids are grown and and show them and their kids.......I actually have done this with other toys.....I have a few bins of toys and baby things in my attic that I am saving for when I am "grandma" aunt still has a few of her Fisher Price things that have been at her house for 40 years for all the kids to play with....and they still do!!!!...the original schoolhouse and house......and if they were in mint condition they'd fetch a lot on ebay now!!!.......but there is something comforting in saving them....I just can't part with them.....I'd like to see my grandchildren playing with the same things their parents loved.......anyway.....I'm almost as excited as they are when they open up that treat bag at a holiday party or birthday party to see what's inside....I don't grab the stuff right away.....I let them enjoy it for that 30 minutes or so...........and then when I see it's been left behind for something better, I snatch it up and put it away in these bins down in my craft room.....and the Pez dispensers are just plain whimsical.....I know there are hard core collectors out there......but these are just ones that Santa or the Easter bunny have brought, or from a trip to the older kids could care less about them.....they just eat the packets of candy....but little Cubby has to have it in there and flip open the top........and I have to admit....I do still buy them pretty much just for me so I can add them to my collection.....ones that represent an interest they have or a movie they were addicted to.......I may out grow these bins pretty when you bend over to pick these little things up to throw them out.....think of me!!!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
she never ceases to amaze me!!!!
She's at it again!!!!........good ol' mother nature!!!!!!.....I came around the corner of my house today and look what she gave me!!!!!....and things always seem like they magically appear least at my house's probably because I'm always running around and never have time to truly stop and smell the roses...:).....tulips blooming, lilacs wafting, forsythia in full bloom.....daisies come and go....thunderstorms, snowstorms....the changing of the leaves.....I just love all of her beautiful gifts!!!........these hydrangeas were both gifts to me from dear friends.......and I love their beautiful shades of blues and pinks.....every year changing a little bit.....I'm looking forward to my next gift from her....they are always simple and beautiful!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
wild raspberries
We have a "trail"...and I use that term's actually a stone driveway that the developer put in to get to the retention pond down behind the end of the cul-de-sac...but the kids and I prefer to call it a trail....along it are tons of wild raspberry bushes........three years ago when my niece was babysitting the kids she took them down there with a bucket from the sandbox and they picked a whole bunch....she is truly a phenomenal baker and decided to make a pie and of course, the crust from scratch!!......I am NOT a baker and admire and love everything she makes and shares......well, my husband and I were at her house for card club that night and she trooped all of my kids over to get her mothers huge can of Crisco because she couldn't find mine....well.....I don't have one!!!....because again, I don't bake!....and I also don't have a rolling pin, which she also found out......but she found the one in the playdoh bin that worked just fine!! turned out scrumptious!....I noticed my daughter put a note on her bulletin board that summer that made note of the date they picked the berries, so she would know when to go back and pick more the next summer......and they did!.....well, I made little danishes out of them!!....a friend of mine has a wonderful cooking and baking blog....marzipan mom.....check it out!.....and I KNOW she would have made hers from scratch......but mine are made from crescent rolls!....just a little cream cheese and the berries inside....bake at 400 degrees for 18 minutes.....the kids loved them!!.....well, it seems to have turned into a tradition...and I love traditions of any kind!!!....which may have to be a post at some time.....because yesterday they picked these adorable berries, just the size of Snowcaps from the movie theater.....Cubby came running through the backyard yelling that he wanted to make those fruit sandwiches again!!...what a memory on that little guy!........and so we did!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
There is nothing like a snowcone on a hot summer day!!!.....I have to say that the investment I made in our Rival snowcone machine was well worth it!!......we go through spurts with it....and our weather hasn't exactly been "snowcone material".....but I'm thinking it will be cranking quite a bit over the next several weeks.......and the syrup flavors have gotten pretty wonderful too....cotton candy, pineapple, strawberry and paradise punch to name a few.....we even travel with our, birthday parties and weekends away....we're going to visit friends in Harrisburg next week for a few days and they requested we bring it there too!.....although I do have to say there is nothing quite like getting one at a carnival or fair.......maybe because I consider it part of my dinner???
Thursday, July 3, 2008
the best "camping " trip EVER!!!
I will start off by saying ....I am not a camper....I have tried several times....starting when I was a campfire girl in grade school.....and we had to cook our dinner in a tin can at Camp Aloha....I progressed to the tent my Dad got for the backyard...and almost made it all night....then fast forward to when I dated my husband and we camped at Lake Havasu for the world jetski championships....that was pretty fun....I brought my Laura Ashley sheets and blowdryer...I even tried to camp again recently with my husband and kids...I just can't handle the amount of work it takes to make the camping experience "happen"....packing, setting up "camp".....muddy laundry...unpacking.....while my husband fully enjoys himself by the campfire smoking cigars and drinking beer with his brothers....last year the tent went up in our backyard and I couldn't fathom sleeping out there when I could be all cozy in my king size I just yelled goodnight from the deck!....I have plenty of wonderful memories without having to spend one more night in a tent......anyway ....a recent post on a friends blog really got me thinking that I would have to give this camping thing one more try!....maybe I should check out Cook's Forest????...the cabins looked so quaint....I was telling my Dad all about it....hiking, playing in the stream, the canoe etc....and he said we could do all of that at his new house.....he moved in last fall and this was our first summertime visit......and it turns out it is the ultimate "campground"!!!!......the pond, the raft for four people...yeah, right!...hiking, quads, fishing, playing along the streams, flying kites and all of this just steps away from his beautiful new home------NO TENT! NO CABIN!...fully stocked by his lovely girlfriend with snacks, drinks, ice cream etc...and she so wonderfully keeps the washer and dryer running full speed so everytime we change clothes for the next activity they magically appear washed and folded for us.....we were truly spoiled on our camping trip...and I didn't mention there was no need to dig through watery coolers for something to make for dinner.....we ordered take out!!!....the kids loved it ...I loved it!! Gracie our dog loved it!! check her out on the quad... we can't wait to camp next month....thanks again Dad!!!
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