Chelsea Handler is that girl in high school your mom told you to stay away from...."she's trouble"......well, that girl has grown up and has the most hilarious show on E!...She's Jewish, from New Jersey, she has a boyfriend and no children...the complete opposite of me!..the first few nights I watched her last year I couldn't figure out if I liked her or not...the stuff she said was bad!!...she is crude, funny, uplifting, and quick witted!!....so I watched a few more nights and decided she's fabulous!! Her opening monologue is generally pertinent to the current events of the day...her take on things is hysterical....she has code words for body parts and functions so the network doesn't get mad at her. She then takes the show to the "roundtable" for a session or two of discussion on topics she picks......at the roundtable are three invited guests for the evening...usually comedian friends of hers, or a few of her staff/writers. The stuff they all come out with is absolutely hilarious!!!...the show then progresses to her interviewed guest of the evening. They must all be scared, because you never know what she will throw at you....and in between it all she introduces you to her little "hot pocket" Chuy......a little person from Mexico....she likes to throw questions and comments at him as well.....she makes it well known she loves her Grey Goose vodka.....and also has a number one best seller on the New York Times list..."Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea"...she used to be on at 11:30pm on the E! network...but they have traded time slots with E! entertainment news (which I LOVE too!!) and now she's on at 11pm....check her out!!