This is the before shot of Cindylou's room... She wanted to re-do her room for her birthday....well, actually she wants her ears double pierced but I don't want to go there....and her birthday isn't until October, but starting next week we have football games every weekend until November and the boys were at camp last weekend so we got started! I didn't think her room looked too, too bad.......and it took me FOREVER to paint these stripes! That little tuffet isn't really needed anymore....her bed used to be too big for her to climb into..*sniff, sniff* Now she's all grown up!...I made the little cover for it 'cause it was an ugly white fake fur...and now our little maltese Gracie uses it to hop up!

Chip found this chandelier on the side of the road about 10 years ago...and I painted it white, put a coat of iridescent glitter on it and added the pink boa feathers around the candles.....he also put a dimmer on it...so she can adjust it according to her mood..... :)We were WAAAAAYYY ahead of the times with the whole chandelier thing!

We also made this headboard out of a piece of plywood and foam....then he helped me cover it with fabric...and attach the "buttons" so it looks tufted.

She has NEVER sat at this desk to do homework...but it is filled with tons of knick knack crap that needed to be "edited"!!

The crystal lamps were from my mom and I added the fabric and pom-pom trim to the shades....and the rocker is from her nursery....I hand painted it and didn't want to part with it...so she loaded it with her American Girl doll and some stuffed animals.

TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is her new room!!! Totally teenage funky!! I can't believe we only spent $120 for the whole room!!!! We had purchased the bedding a few weeks ago at Target. It was an 8 piece set...skirt, shams, comforter and sheets! I'm not saying the sheets are 500 thread-count Egyptian cotton or anything...but they look cute :) And if you can't tell, yes, that's hot pink cheetah on the reverse side...So last Saturday was a whirlwind....I picked her up from karate and we got busy! We ran to Joanne fabrics to pick out the fabric for the headboard and some trim....the total came to $15...but I had a rewards Mastercard with exactly $15 on it.....so that was all free! Then we stopped at Home Depot to get the primer and paint....$38. I had a gift card for a local hardware store so we got the black spray paint for free. We got home and unloaded her room into her brothers room....good thing he was at camp! Then we taped it all off. I only started priming the room at 5 p.m.....and wasn't finished painting until 1 a.m.. When I'm on a roll....I don't stop.... That's how I operate...I just keep going until I'm done! Well, at 1 a.m. I got my second wind...so I moved the furniture back, hung the curtains, and dressed the bed. Wheh!!! Then it was almost 4 a.m. and I called it quits!!!

Over the last few days we finished up the final details. I sewed a new cover for the tuffet...and my brother in law helped me re-cover the headboard the next day, since Chip was at camp and I'm not so handy with that big, huge, scary staple gun all by myself.

And check out the little crystal candelabra we got at our local Goodwill for $5.99!! There was a grampa-kinda guy carrying it around with him the day we were in there and I JUST KNEW he had no use for it...so we followed him around and sure enough he set it back on a shelf and we swooped right in and grabbed it! SCORE!

Look what a coat of black spray paint can do :) I was panicking a bit because it's been so humid here all week, but it turned out great...you can't see it very well, but I slapped a coat of silver glitter over the whole thing...Chip re-wired it with black wire and added the black chain. I tried to spray the old chain and wire, but it didn't turn out so hot...cost for new wire and chain was $10.81.

New $5 lampshades from Walmart......decked out with some black trim that was on clearance for 50 cents a yard.

We spent some time "editing" her "collectibles...and swapped out the chair for one I had in the attic from an old neighbor...just a coat of black spray paint...free!! We even sprayed the cute pink switchplate cover black :) Even her black laptop coordinates....bonus! It also really helped that the bedding we chose still coordinated with a lot of the accessories she already had....like her phone! curtains and picture frames. So this really saved time and money as well.

I really wasn't up for doing this whole project... When I found out the boys were going to camp for the weekend I wanted to go to dinner with Cindylou and watch "Mamma Mia"....But it turned out soooooooo great!!! We both looooooove it! I just stand in her doorway and admire it. Hey, sister, with the big interior design group out in Vail....try to do over a girls bedroom as cute and funky as this!!! :)