This is the first batch of the season.....Sugar Coma Caramel Popcorn!! Waaaayyy tooooo addicting!! Really super duper easy to here to get the directions....but I'm warning won't be able to keep your hand out! I'm off to visit with family for the rest of the week......Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Blessings to you all.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What is it Wednesday????
This is the first batch of the season.....Sugar Coma Caramel Popcorn!! Waaaayyy tooooo addicting!! Really super duper easy to here to get the directions....but I'm warning won't be able to keep your hand out! I'm off to visit with family for the rest of the week......Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Blessings to you all.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Last Stop
Well.....this is it...the last stop on The Boss' Working on a Dream Tour, which started in the fall of 2007. My Dad has season tickets for the Buffalo Sabres and they emailed him at the end of the summer to see if he would want the tickets for the Bruce Springsteen tickets....and of course I chimed in that he never knows what to get me for Christmas.....well...Merry Christmas to me!!! :) Look at this super cute tote bag I found at Walmart for $5!! I have been excited for days and jammed to constant Bruce the whole 3 1/2 hour ride up to Buffalo.
Chip didn't want to go with me this time......So my cousin, the Gerberagirl was happy to come with me.

This man is the hardest working man in the business.....He played the complete Greetings from Asbury Park well as Sunny Day, Rosalita, Thunder Road and BTR.....Requests came in for Merry Christmas Baby and Santa Claus is coming to Town and he was happy to oblige.

Eveyone has eluded that Buffalo being the last stop is significant.....this is where he very first this it for Bruce and the E Street band??? To watch him rockin' at 60 I sure hope not!!!!
It was Little Stevie's birthday and we all sang as they brought him out a cake.
And as always.....I got teary eyed at the end just ebracing the moment...always thinking.....this could be the last time......
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Love My Boots
I first have to say this is my first post where I am in all the pictures...I took them all myself! And I was sweating putty balls as I was running up and down the stairs changing my outfits and boots...because I had my camera set up in the dining room. But anywhoo......I love my boots!!! I lost a bunch of weight two years ago and had to re-create my a whole new wardrobe for was fun...but now I have been concentrating on my footwear...can you believe my feet got smaller as well???anyway I am in love with my boot collection! It is perfect! This is my most recent pair....I just got them two weeks ago when I was away with my soul sisters. I tried them on and they were as comfy as slippers. I thought about them all afternoon and stopped in and got them on our way home. I llloooove them! I've worn them almost everyday.....they look great with skinny jeans.
They also look great with this cute corduroy skirt I got at Walmart. It was on sale for $7!!! I loved it so much I got a brown one too :) For $7 dollars I couldn't not!
These are my new hot weekend boots. I am waaaay taller in them.....and I think even a smidge taller than Chip when I have them on...but I don't care!
I saw them a month or so ago....I had been looking for a dressy pair of black boots for the holidays. I kept looking, but I went back for these after I had been all over town. They look so awesome I had to show them up close.
These boots are from Nine West and I wear them ALL.THE.TIME. I learned from my cousin, Gerberagirl...."If you love them, buy them in black and brown."
So I did!!!
I did for these boots too! They are also from Nine West...I fell in love with the black ones at Macys and wanted the brown ones I went down to the Nine West store and they were on sale I got BOTH pair for the price of one.SCORE!!! They are great for walking all day....or for a concert when you're on your feet all night. Like I will be when I go see Bruce Springsteen Sunday night in Buffalo :)
These are hand me downs from my sister. I didn't care for them at first...but a friend wore a similar pair a few weeks ago when were were out and I remembered I had these in my closet....they are Frye boots and I actually saw a similar pair brand new at the store...So thought I would get them out and knock around in them for a while :)
These are my lucky football boots. They're from Target and they are terrific for all of those rainy and muddy football and soccer games. The Chiefs won their playoff and Super Bowl games because I had these on :)
These Uggs are THE.COZIEST!!! With my sister living in Vail, Co. it's always a great Christmas gift suggestion...she treated me to these last year.
And these Uggs were from two years ago....I love to throw them on when I'm running around town.
Cindylou just asked me if she could borrow these little short ones for school tomorrow. Now that we're the same might get a little crazy around here.
These Havana Joe's are great for knocking around on hikes or football practices in the fall....with the heel, even though they are construction boots, they look a little bit more girlish and fun. Wheh! I didn't really realize I had the perfect boot collection until today. Ummmmm....and I don't think Chip does either....and I'd like to keep it that way....don't be blabbing about it if you run into him....I'm pretty sure he NEVER checks this blog.....and I'd like to keep it that way too!!! :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Working Hard on Being Thankful
We've been busy over here being thankful....Cubby has been hard at work on picking the cards out of Thankful Jar this week. Yesterday he picked two out. The first one said he was thankful for his siblings....and the suggestion was to do something nice for them. So he decided to organize their rooms for them while they were at school. Ummm...let's just say they weren't very thankful for what he did! Then he picked the one that said we were thankful for turkeys. And he proceeded to get out all of his crafty stuff to make our little art project.
He thought it needed just a "wittle gwitter" on the feathers.
And yes....another heirloom art project was complete! :)
Today we were thankful for our kitchen. We made these yummy pumpkin muffins before he left for kindergarten. I can't include the recipe because they were from a box....I know my soul sister Marzipan would never even consider such a thing...but it worked for us this morning! And he was soooo proud to offer them to the big kids after school. Soon we will be out of cards....and then we've decided to fill the jar with other things we are thankful for and read them at dinner on Thanksgiving.....tell me.....what are a few things you are thankful for????
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What is it Wednesday????
CANDY!!!!!!!! I can't believe I've been doing this weekly post since March and I haven't put candy in my jar yet!!!! And no one has even left a little bloggy comment to ask why not either????....This is the remainder of Cubby's stash from Halloween. This was the first year the older two didn't go trick or treating. The day and night were so crazy I didn't realize until the next day :( I can't STAND that they are growing up!! But it did cut down on the candy intake at our house by 2/3's!!! Instead of 30 pounds of candy, we only had 10!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Priceless Art
I love to frame my kids makes it so much more important and they are so excited to see it displayed. Last week Cubby brought home this cornucopia he made in kindergarten. I loved it and had to frame it and make it into a keepsake forever....I mounted it onto plain brown paper and used some stamps from my craft room to make the title. To me, this is the kind of art that is priceless.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What is it Wednesday????
I am still just loving the fall season over here! I had to put some more fall fun in my jar this week.....a pumpkin candle and some fall leaves and little mini pieces of corn. I looove this big acorn I found last fall too.... just can't get enough acorns. Enjoy these lovely days we've been having....soon enough it will be chilly and snowy!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Soul Sisters First Annual Weekend Smackdown
Our much chatted about, very anticipated weeked was TOTALLY WONDERFUL!!!!! It's always a little crazy to plan a weekend away from the kiddos and hubby....but this one went pretty smoothly....Ms. Juniper threw out two possible dates that her ski condo was available and we jumped on one. A quick coffee meeting to plan the details and we were set. Here we all are.....and YES!!!! That is SNOW on the branches of the evergreen....I loooooved it!!!!
We settled in and the fun began.....I made everyone their very own beaded wine glass...what a super cute idea....I've done this before with martini glasses....these are from the Dollar Store and they were great! A perfect size for any bevvie. I actually stopped there today to get a bunch more...hmmmmm, some lucky people may be seeing these again at the holidays :)
We also had two birthdays to celebrate. Cupcakes for Marzipan....
...and a scrumptious cake for Girl in the Sticks...of course, both still 29 and holding :) And let me point out I had no idea the details of her cake were going to be blue when I made her blue beaded glass....and she made that super cute blue fleece scarve in just a few minutes. Love it for her! We spent the evening in much appreciated girl chit chat, drinking our favorite drinks, and watching 50 First new favorite movie.
We spent the next morning crafting away.....we are accustomed to swooping in to one of the sisters houses...slamming down a cup of coffee and making a craft in a total of 1.5 was sooooooo great to take our time. Then we took a little field trip to a nearby town. I felt like I was on the set of a movie it was so quaint. I got of the car and just embraced the was a glorious sunny fall day and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Here is the town square.
We strolled around a few shops.....can you believe there were TWO yarn shops in this little town??! If I lived there I would certainly belong to a knitters circle! Here is Ms. Joy enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun.
Marzipan couldn't resist looking in a candy shop for her beloved chocolate covered Marzipan...SCORE! They had some....her small treat for the day.
This is where we stopped for lunch. May I say how wonderful it was to not have to take anyone to the bathroom or cut up their food for them....and mine was HOT too!
This little table and chair set beckoned me to stay and sit a spell with a cup of coffee and a book...or my knitting.....but there were more shops to explore.
Each doorway had such personality. As we strolled around I was wondering if it was a town rule that each shop have a potted plant out front. I couldn't resist snapping pictures of them...
This one looked really "fall"....
And look at how cute this window box is with the little pumpkins!
I do have a thing for fall cabbage! Every year I say I'm going to get a little more creative over here and put some in....but I just run out of ambition with the season being so short.
Pumpkins and mums...
...and just mums....sometimes less is more.
When we got back home we started a blazing really wasn't that chilly...but we "needed" one....I love fiddling around with a good fire. We popped in another dvd and got busy again.
Look at these TERRIFIC scrunchie scarves Jennifer Juniper taught us how to make!!! LITERALLY, they take TEN minutes....check out her blog at Hope Studios for a tutorial. I swear I want to make one in every color!
Much too quickly came our last morning....but we packed even more fun in! Manicures, more sewing, making the Thankful Jars I featured last week and a quick lesson on how to play Mexican Dominos. I loved dominon so much I grabbed our own set and we're ready to play over here too. There is nothing that can compare to getting away with dear friends.....I am still glowing...and we've all marked our calendars for the same weekend next year! Thank you again Sisters for a fabulous time!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Over the Top

You guys....I just recieved my very first bloggy award!!! I love it for me!! I have felt special all friend Green Girl in Wisconsin bestowed it on me.....thank you so much Miss.....but a gift is best when you give it now I need to give it away...this is how.....
1.) Thank and post URL to the blog that gave the award.
2.) Pass the award along to 6 brilliantly over the top blogs (blogs you love!) Alert them so they know to receive the award.
I'm nominating these 6 blogs:
Miss Denise Kimball over at Life on Stepping Stone Lane. She has the best Strawberry Spinach salad recipe :)
Happy Momma is full of fun stop by and check her out!
My friend at A Little Bit of Scrap will delight you with her glimpses into her lovely state of Alaska and her passion for knitting.
A fellow Yankee fan has a lovely little blog you will enjoy...Live, Love, Laugh.
And I always look forward to seeing what's going on in Beth's life at be careful what you wish for.
Sassy is a terrific wife and mom she is always with school and her awesome new studio....stop over to the SweetSassyStudio and see for yourself.
3.) Copy and paste this quiz… Change the answers, ONE word only!!
1-Your cell phone? Blackberry
2- Your hair? blah
3-Your mother? lovely
4-Your father? great
5-Your favorite food? pizza
6-Your favorite drink? diet coke
7-Your dream last night? ????
8-Your dream/goal? peace
9-What room are you in? craft
10-Your hobby? lots!!
11-Your fear? dissappoint
12-Where do you want to be in 6 years? debt-free
13-Where were you last night? gym
14-Something that you aren’t? mathematical
15-Muffin? pumpkin
16-Wish list item? datenight
17-Where did you grow up? Buffalo
18-Last thing you did? ate
19-What are you wearing? jammies
20-Your TV? on
21-Your pets? dog
22-Friends? treasures
23- Your life? blessed
24-Your mood? anxious
25-Missing someone? always
26-Vehicle? Momvan
27-Something you aren’t wearing? earrings
28-Your favorite store? TJMaxx
29-Favorite color? pink
30-When was the last time you laughed? lunchtime
31-Last time you cried? 9:00pm
32-Your best friend? numerous
33-One place you go to over and over? Super Walmart
34-One person who emails you regularly? Dad
35-Favorite place to eat? Bravo
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My Thankful Jar
As you all probably have figured out by now...I have a thing for jars....and I loooooovve this one! I just had to share it with you.....Stop over and visit Happy Mama to see my inspiration. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays for several reasons....It is in my favorite season...and I looooooovvve me a fabulous turkey dinner, I even had it for my wedding! And I respect that it is subtle and humble....just prompting us to seek what we are truly thankful spend it with our family and friends. This is a very simple project...just a jar....I embellished it a bit...
....then wrote up little cards with things we are thankful for on them...with suggestions of things to show our thankfullness. Every day have someone pick a card, reflect on it and then perform what the card suggests to help show through our actions what things in life really matter...Quite simple.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Yankees Win!!!!!!!

It's time to stand up and CHEER!!! The Bronx Bombers have won their 27th World Series Championship!!! After waiting 9 years the Yankees defeat the Phillies 7-3 in game six to secure their first championship since 2000. For the "Core Four" "Four Amigos" ....Jorge Posada, Derek Jeter, Andy Pettitte and Rivera it was ring number 5!!!! It was dedicated to George Steinbrenner who has been in declining health and didn't make the trip up from his home in Florida to see the game.

It was a record night for Hedeki Matsui the Yankees designated hitter...he was named the World Series Most Valuable Player after batting .615 with 3 home runs.

For Alex Rodriquez and his gorgeous flashing white teeth (ummmm...yes, they mesmerize me!!! :) It was his first championship and he announced while holding the trophy they were going to PARTY!!

DER-REK JETER!!! Has been my chant for the last two weeks....after hitting .423 for the Series the captain said, "It feels better than I remember it, man" "It's been a long time." While nine years between titles is hardly a drought for most has seemed like forever for the Yanks. And even sweeter to win it in the new Yankee it truly seems like home!!! What a Super.Duper sports year it has been for Pittsburgh Steelers won the Superbowl....the Penguins brought home the Stanley Cup....T's team the Chiefs won their Superbowl last Saturday...and now the Yanks win their 27th World Series....Wow!!! 2009 will be a year to remember!
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