Okay. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...my Goodwill ROCKS!!!!! Click HERE to see a bunch of other things I've previously scored at my local GW. Well, let's get the party started and let me show you the new wardrobe I've acquired over the past few weeks. This whole entire outfit I got on separate occaisions...The top and shoes were both from Target...brand new with the tags on...$3.99 each! I've found out our local Target donates brand new stuff on Thursdays. I had been looking for a white skirt since last summer and was starting to give up hope until I found this one from AnnTaylor! It fits perfect!

hmmmmm...all dressed up...maybe I should skip cooking dinner and go out with all of the money I saved :) $11.97 for everything.

Wowza!! Look at how happy I am in this smashing skirt!!! Brand new with the tags on too! From INC. one of my favorite brands....what crazy person donated this???? $3.99. Okay....it killed me to pay full price for the Calvin Klein pumps from Macy's, but they fit like slippers and after searching forever for the perfect pair of black pumps I splurged.

Here is a closeup of the bow and lace....I KNOW!!! REALLY CUTE!!!

Alrighty then, I have no where to wear this 100% silk Christian Dior blouse with french cuffs in the very near future....but doesn't a girl need something like this in her closet????? For REALS! Christian Dior. At my Goodwill.

Looky...here's the proof.

These pictures do not give this jacket justice....and let me just get it out there that I have a weakness for jackets....you'll see :) But this is the prettiest shade of eggshell blue...which just happens to be one of our school colors......blue and black. And it's also by INC.!!

Maybe for the football banquet at the end of the season??

Moving on...look at this terrific sweater coat from Ann Taylor LOFT. I sooooo can't wait for that first crisp fall day when I can bust this out and feel cozy. I've also found out that the Ann Taylor LOFT in my town donates their clearance items that do not sell. People, just be patient.....everything ends up at my Goodwill!

See?? I'm not lying.

uh huh...another jacket. The Treatgirl may need an intervention. But really, I do wear them because I'm ALWAYS cold....a side effect of my thyroid condition. So even in the summer I always bring a jacket with me...even on 90 degree days. This is a linen hoodie jacket from Gap. Just a light weight linen jacket perfect to take along anywhere.

At the end of winter I was on the hunt for some casual, everyday pants...it seemed like all I wore everyday was jeans. Look at these cute khakis from Merona at Target. Perfect for knocking around.

Yep. Those are the same ones in green and I bought both of them :) The treatgirl has a habit of getting multiples in different colors if she likes something.

A cute little linen top from AnnTaylor LOFT.

This is a chocolate brown sweater with a littel shimmer to it from NY & Co. Again, I'm sure I didn't really NEED it...but it sure will look cute when it gets a little chillier out.

Whoops! Another jacket!! This is a chocolate brown velvet number from the Banana Republic. Let me say it again, no.....I truly didn't need another jacket. But for $3.99 I couldn't leave it there. And I do have a rule that I follow....for however many things I bring home to my closet, I weed through and pull that many things out to give away or donate too. Keeps things under control :) So, what are you waiting for? Get going and find yourself a new wardrobe for under $50 bucks like I did!