Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We've Never Seen This in Our Backyard

I was inside putting clothes away and every now and then I'd hear this really loud sound like a huge blow torch being fired up....I happened to peek outside and this is what I saw!! It was so close that I could almost touch it.

It was kind of eery to have something so big just quietly slip through our yard.


Jennifer Juniper said...

That is crazy! What in the world??? My kids would have been chasing it :)

Wendy said...

Wowza! How crazy close is that thing!!!

1 Funky Woman said...

Strange, scary and cool all at the same time!

Southern Belle Mama said...

That's so awesome!! Glad you were able to get pics!

Anonymous said...

Cool! we have a few by our house--so it's like richard scarry's busy world on calm nights!

sassy said...

those things terrify me! my hubby (when he was my new boyfriend) surprised me with a trip on one. I had to fake sicknesses (tough when he's a dr) and hope for rainy days and high winds. It worked for year until I finally confessed I was too scared!

mom of 4 boys! said...

I didn't see that! We must not have been home. bummer!!! very cool!

Joy Beadworks said...

>Where were they trying to come down? The highway?