Yep! We're lucky!!! Us Soul Sisters have each other all year long to be crafting, cooking, baking, blogging buddies....AND we get to go away for our annual fall getaway weekend. Unfortunately we didn't whip it together in enough time for Girl in the Sticks to join us this time...but we did get a cute picture in our favorite spot by the big pine trees.

How crazy that Marzipan and Ms. Joy went to the same wine store and picked out identical bottles of Cupcake wine??!!!

We jumped right into some crafting....we had a few fun projects lined up....and Marzipan and I brought our knitting...How great it is too have such wonderful friends that are as happy doing nothing but chatting, crafting and laughing as I am??? I had quite a bad cold...and when we went out for a nice dinner I wasn't able to enjoy much of it...but we shared a lot of laughs!!!

Ms. Joy taught us how to make a terrific scarf out of tshirts from the clearance rack in Target....bummer, that I didn't get a group shot of all of the cute ones we made :(

But here a the wooden frames and clipboards we made with a little bit of Mod Podge, scrapbook paper and ribbon....easy, smeasy!!! I'm thinkin' I may be making a few of those clipboards for teacher gifts...

Just look at these cheesecake goodies Marzipan brought to share with her sisters....of course we had to sample ALL of them to give a vote on which one we like best....YUMMY.YUM.YUM!

I baked cupcake cookies to bring so Marzipan could give me my own private tutorial on how to make frosting and decorate them. I am certainly the "baking-challenged" sister of the group and she is always so great at being patient with me...thanks again Miss :)
Before we headed home we even managed to fit in a trip to a craft show too! The days went by much to fast....fortunately no one caught my cold....but we are all suffering from soul sister withdrawl. We made a promise to try and be a bit more regular in our visits/field trips...I can't wait for next time!! Thanks again girls!!!