Sunday, June 22, 2008

hug your kids

It is with an aching heart that I need to write this......a dear little boy has passed away this past Thurday....a neighbor and friend.......much, much too young at just 5 years old......he was a favorite playmate of my little Cubby......soooo lively and full of life...energetic and imaginative....he loved to be outside and loved is amazing how one little guy has touched soooo many lives ......we will miss him terribly.....the evening of his passing a tremendous rainbow was visible from our street......we all just knew he was smiling down on us....I truly have to try and turn this into some kind of blessing and hug my kids harder and longer, say yes more often, overlook the fingerprints on the windows and the clothes on the floor, spend more time playing and enjoying......and less time cleaning and doing laundry.....because you just never know what each day may bring......God Bless our dear little friend, his loving brother and parents....give them the strength to carry on and to smile again someday find joy...


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for the family and your loss. We, too, saw the double rainbow. Two neighbors called me to tell me about it...I was, of course, very busy doing other things, and didn't want to stop, but was glad that I did. It was the brightest rainbow I think I have ever seen. Another reminder to first do what's important...and fit in what is neccesary.

  2. Pam, We too saw the huge rainbow --It was so big and bright and reached right over Jake's house. We named it Jake's rainbow.


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