Wednesday, July 9, 2008

she never ceases to amaze me!!!!

She's at it again!!!!........good ol' mother nature!!!!!!.....I came around the corner of my house today and look what she gave me!!!!!....and things always seem like they magically appear least at my house's probably because I'm always running around and never have time to truly stop and smell the roses...:).....tulips blooming, lilacs wafting, forsythia in full bloom.....daisies come and go....thunderstorms, snowstorms....the changing of the leaves.....I just love all of her beautiful gifts!!!........these hydrangeas were both gifts to me from dear friends.......and I love their beautiful shades of blues and pinks.....every year changing a little bit.....I'm looking forward to my next gift from her....they are always simple and beautiful!!


  1. I always wonder what causes the color, and how perfectly blended the colors blends to blue before your eyes!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog about vacation. That's exactly how I feel!

  2. Your hydrangea should come over and give a talkin' to my hydrangea because she's slacking big time...


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....