This was an absolutely adorable little craft to do!!!!! I can't believe I have never tie dyed before.....I've been near the process......but have never done it from start to finish all by myself!!!!...I thought it would be way messier! neighbor brought over her little girl and some cute, cute halloween cupcakes......and we got busy....the results were terrific!!!........the perfect treat to get into the halloween season!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
tie dyed!
This was an absolutely adorable little craft to do!!!!! I can't believe I have never tie dyed before.....I've been near the process......but have never done it from start to finish all by myself!!!!...I thought it would be way messier! neighbor brought over her little girl and some cute, cute halloween cupcakes......and we got busy....the results were terrific!!!........the perfect treat to get into the halloween season!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
fall favorites
It is officially fall..........I'd have to say it's my favorite season......I love them all....but fall wins by just a is my official fall favorite list for 2008:
1. Chilly nights......this ties directly into #"s 2 & 3...
2. bonfires
3. warm cozy sweaters
4. Chiefs football
5. leaves changing...falling....rustling and blowing along the street
6. squirrels scurrying
7. acorns!!!
8. pumpkin beverages.....and when a friend surprises you with the first pumkin creamer of the's heavenly!
9. actually pumpkin anything!!.....muffins , pie, rolls, bundt get the idea!
10. soups, casseroles and crockpot dinners
11. A hike at McConnells Mill
12. cider and apple pie
13. my kids birthdays!!...I love planning the parties, making the treat bags, and getting their pictures taken!
14. mums
15. Trick or Treating and halloween candy! I know what my mom was doing after we went to bed on halloween night! :)
16. mums
17. this awesome cream cheese and caramel dip for apples! life changed forever when my friend brought this to a party a few years ago.
18. helping out at school for the parties
I savor these days........they don't last long!!!!......happy fall everyone!
1. Chilly nights......this ties directly into #"s 2 & 3...
2. bonfires
3. warm cozy sweaters
4. Chiefs football
5. leaves changing...falling....rustling and blowing along the street
6. squirrels scurrying
7. acorns!!!
8. pumpkin beverages.....and when a friend surprises you with the first pumkin creamer of the's heavenly!
9. actually pumpkin anything!!.....muffins , pie, rolls, bundt get the idea!
10. soups, casseroles and crockpot dinners
11. A hike at McConnells Mill
12. cider and apple pie
13. my kids birthdays!!...I love planning the parties, making the treat bags, and getting their pictures taken!
14. mums
15. Trick or Treating and halloween candy! I know what my mom was doing after we went to bed on halloween night! :)
16. mums
17. this awesome cream cheese and caramel dip for apples! life changed forever when my friend brought this to a party a few years ago.
18. helping out at school for the parties
I savor these days........they don't last long!!!!......happy fall everyone!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
at it again!
I'm not a huge t.v. watcher....usually just The Today show in the morning for a bit....before Cubby puts on the "double circle" channel....that would be "8"...and Nick Jr.........and in the evening I flip around between HGTV and On the Record with Greta Vansustern........but over the past year or so I've had to get caught up on some shows.......24 was the first one.....I watched five seasons in about 6 was a marathon!!!.....I had the two disc plan from Netflix ....I also had it down pat....each episode lasts 42 if I popped it in by 3:45p.m. in the afternoon I had just enough time to watch it before the big kids got off the bus at 4...then along came Grey's Anatomy.....EVERYONE was talking about it and I couldn't just start watching it.......I had to get caught up before the season again I got them all Qued up over at Netflix and got to work.........well......Brothers and Sisters is the latest ...another reason my laptop is wonderful...I can take it upstairs and get my jammies on and watch my discs in bed!...I watched season one at the beginning of the summer and was taken back when I found out season two wasn't available until this past Sunday.......well....then the new season starts this Sunday!!!!......I got disc one in the mail yesterday and I haven't had a chance to start it......there are 4 episodes on the disc so I better get busy.....I may have to break down and watch season three as it comes along, because I don't want to have to wait until next summer to get it at Netflix!!......and on top of it all I had to miss the season premiere of Grey's because I had to pick my hubby up at the airport tonight so I have to try and get that in before next week........wheh!!!......well, I did actually watch the first episode of the new series the Mentalist which started Tuesday maybe I won't have to do the netflix thing for once........but did I hear it will actually be on on Thursdays at 9????.....same time as Grey's????.....that would not be a treat!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
making up for lost time
I can honestly say that until a few months ago I hardly ever bought ice very rarely appealed to me except when I was pregnant with my first child.....if we were going to have ice cream we went out for a cone or sundae....I bought it for a few birthday parties, but I hate when it touches the cake and gets I quit offering it because I didn't like it...????...but something happened.......I started buying it for my family......and then one day I bought a half gallon of Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter.........I dug in and haven't stopped!!....I even had to buy an ice cream scoop because I was using a spoon and it wasn't working......I found this "shovel" and it's marvelous!!!.....I was getting this heaven-on-earth flavor at Superwalmart.....well, they stopped carrying it so I had to make a special trip to Giant Eagle...buying several at a time so I wouldn't run out....and watch out if any of my family had's just for me!!!...luckily Walmart has it can almost get 2 for the price of one!! own little treat after everyone goes to bed!.....good thing I go to the Y so much!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
my perch
This is my little perch.....right at the end of my island.....I feel like I'm wearing out that end bar stool...maybe I should rotate them???....this has become my hang out.....we even conducted out tech meeting from here.....I thought once I got my laptop I'd be all over the place with it....but not so much......I've almost banned myself from taking it upstairs at bedtime....I was turning nocturnal and getting almost no sleep.....I'm realizing this is the most perfect spot for me.....I can do tons of stuff from my perch....check on emails, keep up with my blog, track ebay, do lots of googling, download pictures, create smilebox treats, and general computer work....I talk on the phone here, open the mail, go through the kids papers, watch out my back windows and keep track of my neighbors comings and goings, hop out to my deck to wave at friends and relatives walking by, I can keep and eye on Cubby as he plays in the great room and also watch things on the stove or in the oven...the laundry room is just a few steps away so I'm hopping in there all the time to fold or put things in the dryer......even at night I sit here when the house is quiet...I have the t.v. on and sit at my perch doing things on the'd think I'd move to the comfy chair or couch, but by the time I think of it it's time to unload the dishwasher, make lunches for the next day, set up my coffee maker and let the dog out----perch time is over!....I tried to set up that little desk area in my kitchen as my special spot...but the stool that is there is too low....and I can't see anything still just gathers junk until I know someone is coming over and then I try and clear it off and throw everything into a laundry basket out of sight! might notice the cute bag that I made at my sewing bee hanging on the back of the stool....this is pretty much where it stays with my knitting and a few magazines and snacks for Cubby in it to grab on my way out the door to football practice.....and to the side of my computer is my little food notebook and Sharpie marker.....I haven't been very diligent about writing in it lately and am trying to improve.....and I LOVE Sharpie ultra fine point black markers!!!.....I have them my drawers, purses etc....I even found the cutest tiny one to hang on my keychain! you can see there is another little laptop next to mine....Cubby got this adorable Cars laptop from his friend Devin as an early birthday now we work side by side.....this could very well become his perch too!!!!...I have noticed that I don't feed the kids at the snack bar anymore though.....there are only two available stools....Cub and I still eat lunch here together and the older two sit by themselves at the other end to eat their breakfasts.....but previously when my husband wasn't home I'd sit all three kids at the snack bar and then I would sit by myself at the that is one good thing....we all sit at the table together! Dinner time ...just like it should be!! What a treat!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
tech support
Wow!!...twice in one month!!!.......I'm loving it!!...our tech support meeting was a big success!!!.......a few problems/questions solved...mostly mine!!!...ideas shared, proposals pondered!!...yes! marzipan mom go for it!!!....a chicken and some pork chops pawned off....we're hoping the power comes back on soon for hope studios......and two little boys who may have graduated to real live friends and not stuffed ones or Star Wars heros.......I was a bit anxious about the store bought muffins and pumpkin bread I had to offer, but the meeting also produced a new obsession......amish friendship bread!!!......I've never heard of it before.....I got the in-a-nutshell explantion....I'm sure there's more to it and a history behind it and trust me, I'll be googling all that later on......but I am in heaven!!!!!......I love it!!!........and if it hadn't have been for all of the stuff starting to thaw in Jennifer Junipers freezer who knows if I would ever have found out about it!!...I'm sure there will be a post devoted to this at a later date.....I love that we have each other for questions, concerns and support because I know quite well that it is often hard to get it at home! a lot of areas of my life, not just the computer or my blog!......and I love that our meetings sound very one would know that they are just in our kitchens with Nick Jr. on t.v., baked goods and coffee!!......thanks again for the treat of spending time with you girls.......until next time!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
my camera
I have a great Kodak easyshare that I've had for about 3 years's my first digital camera and I decided I wanted to jump into "digital" after I used my cousins at her 4oth surprise birthday party to capture all of the party moments for her.....I loved it!!! husband got me the same exact one and it has been wonderful....mostly because it is so EASY to email the pictures to family and friends and also because if I have a question about it I can call my cousin and she always knows what to husband gets very testy with me when I ask for technical support with the computer/electronics and it's comforting to know I can bypass him for the most part....I've even helped friends and family make the jump to digital and have recommended the Kodak easyshare system....well, the past few weeks have been heartwrenching for son's football games have started at 7pm, they are under the lights and I haven't gotten one decent picture!!'s killing me!!!!!.....I've noticed lately my camera has seemed "tired".....and now I'm thinking it may be time to get a new one.......I need awesome pictures......I scrapbook!!!!!.....well.....a dear friend whom I've met through football has an incredible camera from Ritz and loves she can go up there or call anytime for help...they offer classes etc....but can I commit that much time and effort??...I truly thought I would go that route....but the drawback is how big and bulky it I want to haul it around to every game, vacation, family function etc.......the pictures it takes are terrific though!!!.....but the other morning at coffee a friend whipped a cute little point and shoot out of her purse and snapped away effortlessly....I quizzed her on it and was ready to run to Bestbuy and buy one on the spot....well....I'm not super spontaneous, especially on a big purchase, and now I'm stuck in the limbo area of "chewing on it" I is consuming my's really a question of lifestyle!......the convienence of a small camera.....or the thrill of the awesome pictures I will capture with the big honkin' one??? friend actually has both......which is also another option!!!...whew!!!! she gave me some pictures that she had printed for me and they are perfect!...crisp and clear!!....more agony about what to do!....but it is important to me to get one that someone I know has so I can get help from them!!!!.....well, we'll see........I'm going to look today after I drop Cubby off at preschool.....wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I guess I've always been a lover of quotes...but it was only recently that I purchased a notebook to put them all in one place....not on a post-it note, the back of a napkin or reciept an avid scrapbooker I am sometimes stumped looking for the perfect quote....well, not anymore....the girls and I got together at Steamers first time there, and it won't be my last!!!....I placed my order and as I waited, I glanced around and fell in love with all of the items with quotes!!!....mugs, cards and plaques.......of course I pulled my Sharpie out of my purse and starting jotting quotes down....there was a huge rack of greeting cards and each one was better than the next...not wanting to take time away from chatting and visiting ...I just got overwhelmed and wrote down the name of the ........LOVE IT!!!!!.....a new favorite is...."Go into the world and do well. But more importantly go into the world and do good."......what a treat it is to connect with friends.....but as always, it's never enough......until next time girls......
Monday, September 8, 2008
Christmas in October's getting to be that time of the own personal Christmas in daughter, one of my sons and husbands birthday are all within days of each other starting on the first.....almost as soon as school starts my thoughts turn to their ideas, party ideas/themes/inivitations/treat bags/cake/menus......I have always loved making them special......not overly extravagant......just Martha Stewart-like.....this is the first year my daughter won't be having a family birthday party....we have a family rule that the cut off age is 12 Cubby will have the party to himself this year.....and he can't wait!!!......he has already started his birthday wish list with trips up and down the toy aisle at Target and Walmart....he makes sure I write everything down with my black Sharpie marker I always keep in my purse....I try sooo hard not to be a control freak about the whole thing.......and luckily he pretty much has given me free reign this year......I'm also letting my daughter have a party with a few friends from school........she has only had three....with such a big family one party is usually enough....but they are coming over to make jewelry, watch movies and have dinner and cake in the dining room.......she is sooo excited!!.....and so am I!!......I am suprising her with a book that I'm making for her.....all of my wishes for her.....I've chosen several pictures to include in it and it has been very hard emotionally.......going through 12 years of pictures of her growing many feels like yesterday that we had the Barbie birthday party!!.....every year on their birthdays I take a picture of them.......Micaela in my jean jacket....Parker in my husbands winter snow boots...his birthday is in January....and Cubby in my husbands big flannel jacket........I really thought is was a great idea when I started it......I just never imagined how sad I would be to see them actually starting to fit in them!!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
first day
This was our latest first day ever....I guess with the huge teachers strike last year they decided to give us an extra just felt different this year.......I really was blocking it out of my maybe it wouldn't really happen....we have been nervous about the bus coming at 6:43 am since we got the schedule....and then it dawned on me last week, that I really had to get up at 6 am every morning too!!!'s been since my flight attendant days that I've had that many O'dark hundred mornings.......but it went pretty was hard for me to be sad and feeling sorry for myself that she was on her way to the big campus and 7th grade when she has truly been excited for it since the last day of 6th grade!!!.....even when she got her team assignment and knew no one........she was still happy and excited...she even wanted me to walk out with her to the bus stop...the bus looked packed....I hope she found a kind person to sit with...her cousin was right behind her getting on...maybe he helped her I held it in until we went out for the next bus at 7:55 am.......I was crying when the kids were getting on the elementary school bus!!!!......there was a hole in all of our hearts....for this was the year little Jacob up the street would have been entering kindergarten...and we all knew he was watching us from above with the big boy did let me get a very quick picture by the front door....his first day of 6th grade!!!..but that was photo op. for me this year........I still have Cubby.......I hang onto him tighter and tighter as I see more and more how fast this all goes...........please!!!!.......I want the ride to stop!!......I want to get off and freeze them!!!!!!!!!