Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first day

This was our latest first day ever....I guess with the huge teachers strike last year they decided to give us an extra just felt different this year.......I really was blocking it out of my maybe it wouldn't really happen....we have been nervous about the bus coming at 6:43 am since we got the schedule....and then it dawned on me last week, that I really had to get up at 6 am every morning too!!!'s been since my flight attendant days that I've had that many O'dark hundred mornings.......but it went pretty was hard for me to be sad and feeling sorry for myself that she was on her way to the big campus and 7th grade when she has truly been excited for it since the last day of 6th grade!!!.....even when she got her team assignment and knew no one........she was still happy and excited...she even wanted me to walk out with her to the bus stop...the bus looked packed....I hope she found a kind person to sit with...her cousin was right behind her getting on...maybe he helped her I held it in until we went out for the next bus at 7:55 am.......I was crying when the kids were getting on the elementary school bus!!!!......there was a hole in all of our hearts....for this was the year little Jacob up the street would have been entering kindergarten...and we all knew he was watching us from above with the big boy did let me get a very quick picture by the front door....his first day of 6th grade!!!..but that was photo op. for me this year........I still have Cubby.......I hang onto him tighter and tighter as I see more and more how fast this all goes...........please!!!!.......I want the ride to stop!!......I want to get off and freeze them!!!!!!!!!


  1. hence the coffee on tuesday. I hope you can make it, we all feel the same's as if our jobs have evaporated before our eyes and we want all of that time back! (less dishes, more playing..)

  2. Yes, come to coffee and bring Cubby! This early schedule has me sleep deprived already - I'm hoping once we settle into a routine I'll be able to get more sleep! But I'll be at the coffee klatch, dark cirlces and all!

  3. See??? Hence the birthday wish I told you about, what age will you pick?


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....