Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving from Florida!
We're spending Thanksgiving away from the snow and the cold.....a week with Gigi in Delray sounds perfect!!! sister came in from Dubai and her boyfriend made it from Vail....we were all excited to meet him....the first day we made it down to the beach to enjoy the waves and the sun.....
....then Monday we headed for Disney....Gigi treated us to our first visit!! was wonderfull!!!!!....the first night we headed to downtown Disney to wander around and have dinner...we dined at Wolfgang Puck's cafe...scrumptious......and then browsed through the shops...I just can't get over EVERYTHING Mickey!!....Tuesday morning we arrived at the Magic Kingdom........just as I remembered it from the seventh's like stepping back in time...I was even wearing the earrings I got during that trip...I saved them all these years :)...the whole place was decorated for Christmas.....and we all got goosebumps as they lite the castle for the holiday season....
Wednesday was just the perfect day to visit Epcot......we ran in and got our fast passes for the Soarin' ride and then visited the Nemo ride...a few texts from my friend Lease while were were wandering around put us in the right direction so we didn't miss anything....who says you need a tour book???..we've gone high tech!.... we all loved visiting the different countries and sampling food and drinks...
....and before too long the day was coming to a close.....we will visit again in May for a week and I think going back to Epcot may be at the top of our list....we headed back to Delray to celebrate favorite dinner of the year!!....Blessings to all!
Friday, November 21, 2008
so much to be thankful for
This is a picture that Cub made last year at preschool..........he brought it home and I had to frame it....I love framing stuff the kids make me makes it so much more special and important......the blessing on it says:
We fold our hands,
We bow our heads,
We thank you God for daily bread.
I have so many wonderful blessings to be thankful for every year and I always like to stop and think about them at this time of the year....our lives always seem so crazy, and getting crazier by the day....and sometimes I feel like I just can't keep up....but the other day as I was rushing around making lists for my dawned on me what a blessing that all is......I have such a wonderful family and such treasured friends....we are healthy and happy.......and so much of what I do every day is for all of them.......if it weren't the doing and helping of others what would my day be like?????.......very solitairy and boring are a few adjectives that come to at this time I'm very thankful for the most important, friends and health.....thank you all for keeping me crazy busy every day!!!! :)
.....also,I want to share a new favorite recipe ....a friend shared it with us a few years ago.....and now I can't imagine Thanksgivning without it!!!...Cranberry Relish.
4 cups fresh cranberries
1 cup chopped oranges
1 cup chopped apples...I leave the peels on
1/4 cup raisins
1 Tbsp. white vinegar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
2 cups sugar
Bring all ingredients to a boil, stirring a lot....simmer 30 mins. Let cool. Chill in container.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Baldingers is a landmark near our has been featured on the Food Network and the CBS morning show...when friends and family come to visit from out of town we always try to fit in a visit has been in business since 1933 when Allan Baldinger sold his stamp collection to open a fruit stand...he added a restaurant and was famous for his pies....His wife Dorothy helped him out and they lived behind the store....a friend told me how she remembered her sitting at the card table when you came in the door and how she had sewed her mother's prom dress for her!!! time a lot more restaurants opened in the area and Allan turned it into a general store that sold bulk candy...
There are tables full of penny candy....bulk candy.....novelty items you can't find anywhere put things in your basket and when you go to check out they dump everything into a pan and either weigh it or count each piece out by hand....these totals then get written on a little white notepad and are added up by hand with a electronics involved here!!!....the cash register is more than a hundred years old , the kind you crank by hand.....
...well over the summer the building and its 10 acres were sold to a real estate development company who plans to develop the site....and Monday all that remains is this pile of rubble and two dumpsters full of junk.....fortunately a local businessman is giving Baldingers a new chapter in it's 75 year legacy....after petitions were circulated by email last year begging them not to close Pat Boylan stepped in and bought the store and has erected a replica of it!!...there are some improvements, but the store has wooden floors and they have tried to make it as much the same inside as they could...all of the old cash registers, Coke case and tables have been moved....everyone is truly happy they are moving and the traditions will continue.....and for the record...even though much of the candy is just a can rarely get out of there for under $20!!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
had to get out there!
The yammering started first thing this morning about going out sledding!!!....the grass is barely covered, but we got all suited up and headed out to enjoy the snow!!......Cubby picked out his new hat over the weekend when we were in's his new favorite!
This is the snow covered branch that I would love a bright red Caridinal to land on so I can get his picture...I've been trying for a few winters now to get that perfect shot....but it hasn't happened.....blurry, too dark, looked the other way at the last second.....I may have to break down and get one on etsy!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
wonder fall
It is nearing the end of autumn here......and I feel like I enjoyed it to it's fullest!!! week we travel to this is the last weekend of my favorite season...we started out the weekend with seeing this 8 point buck crossing through our back husband travelled 3 hours away to camp and missed out on my son's football banquet so he could finish out the archery season....when he could have just sat on our patio!!! ...I like the whole banquet's such a nice finish to the season and a fun night for the kids....until next season Warriors!!
....but thinking ahead to Florida and Thanksgiving has been keeping me busy as well....I saw this felt leaf runner at the YMCA and thought, "I have to have that!!!"....I inspected it closely and was all ready to bring tissue paper and scissors to make my own template, and then go to Joanne's to get felt and create my own...well the girl at the desk said she got it at Joanne's and can you believe I was heading there that day anyway??!.....well, everything "fall" is 70% off and I got it for $5!! can't even get the felt for that price!...but it would be easy to make! :)
...and then at 1am last night I had to make jennifer junipers shrinky dink wine charms....see for the tutorial and template for the leaves.....super duper easy and they are adorable......a wonderful treat to pack in my suitcase and take to my Mom's for the Thanksgiving feast!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
two hours......
...two hours with the girls today and I'm totally refreshed! was the day we picked names to find out who our seret santa is!!.......jennifer juniper warned of us our obligation.......the present is to be hand made, with items that already exist in our craft room and if any supplies are needed they are not to be more than $10....of course we couldn't just write our names on a slip of paper......we needed to fill out a survey and read them aloud....some of the questions included were.........favorite color, music, food, store, sound, drink....if you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you? and what is your secret indulgence??....then we folded them up and our lovely helper princess picked them out for us......I have sooo many ideas......we may need to get all of our birthdays on the calendar and do something similar!!!....The Soul Sisters Christmas party is also a cookie exchange......but since I don't really bake I either hire my niece or order them from Dudt's bakery need to miss out just because I have not baking talent!!! marzipanmom treated us to her Mary Kay beauty regime and a scrumptious piece of cake...that I initially declined (trying to be good!) but I'm so glad I came to my senses!!!!
joybeadworks and I walked in together......she was loaded down with the supplies for a suprise project!! always......we pack it all in!!!.....she brought white paper bulbs from her uncle and we picked a lovely vessel and got busy.....
In six weeks we should be blessed with a beautiful treat.....Smith and Hawkin watch out!!!....girls...I think we should consider nominating a secretary as well........someone with a notebook and a sharpie to take down all of our ideas for future endevours.......we seem to have several swirling around!! was a lovely two hours! thank you!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
fall, leaves, fall
Saturday, November 8, 2008
my new best friend
I'd like you to meet my new best friend Pat Catan!!!....I'm still friends with Joanne and Michael :)....(I didn't realize all craft stores have real peoples names!!!) ...but Pat has become my BEST friend!!!.......I had never been to Pat Catan's and if you haven't either you haven't lived yet!!....I heard about her at a crop last Sunday...a girl had the cutest Christmas paper from I recruited my scrapbooking mentor and we took off on a field trip....I think the term OMG is very abused........but it was all that was going through my mind!....I couldn't breathe right and I was shakey.....I felt like I had entered a universe created all for me!!!
I walked in the front door and looked to the left and this is what I friend and I took off and started exploring....the smiles beaming on our faces as we crossed paths in the different aisles said it all!!!
I just couldn't get over the variety and quantitiy.....if there is anything left on this earth related to crafts it is in here!!!!.......jennifer juniper there were 4 aisles of wood crafting items....boxes, frames, letters ...EVERYTHING!!!!....3 or 4 aisles of that brown paper mache type stuff too.....see the picture above.....
....baskets anyone????.......these look JUST like the Longaberger ones!...only a fraction of the price.....every aisle and section I explored had my head swimming with ideas....I was writing notes and throwing things in my cart like crazy!!!.... I didn't want the day to end!....but after almost 3 hours of exploring.....I even checked out the wedding and baby shower sections!!?? was time to check out....I had a feeling of I had missed some very important things and that I didn't know when the next time was that I would be I just need to say, "fellow crafters, UNITE"!!!!.....this is a definate field trip destination....a treat to, until next time Pat...I won't forget you!
Friday, November 7, 2008
hanging on
I can't believe how these gorgeous leaves are hanging on!!!.....several trees in our neighborhood have completely lost their leaves.....but this maple in front of my house is still beautiful......I'm not an expert or anything....but this has been the most fabulous indian summer I can remember!!!......and the leaves have stayed in their splendor for longer than I can ever dad called earlier in the week to see if he could fit in one more Harley ride ....he headed down from Buffalo on Tuesday and Cubby and I met him at McConnells was just a perfect day!!......I NEVER tire of that every season it is spectacular......and we had it all to ourselves that day.....hope you have been enjoying these warm, sunny days......
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It was a cupcake day for me yesterday!!!! heart was smiling Sunday when I went scrapbooking all day...and the big smile continued into Monday!!!.....for anyone who knows me I love a "mission"....whether it be for me or someone in need....can't find a size, wrong color, only 2 and I need three.......whatever it is I'm on it!!!!.....I have all Target phone numbers in my black address book for a 60 mile radius of Pittsburgh...I've tracked items down at a TJMaxx in Washington, PA and put on hold for my husband to pick up on his way home from West Virginia...done the same with my Mom's Target in Delray Beach, FL...and likewise for a pair of white jean capris at a Walmart in Buffalo with my Dad....the phone calls explaining these things to the sales girls is always a little crazy while they put these things on hold for me....but I like to think they enjoy helping the crazy girl calling from out of town.....I've sent pictures on my cell phone as doesn't hurt to make sure it's right!....the holidays always seem to bring a huge mission of some sort......the year of the Chat Now phones comes to mind....there were a ton of them....and of course when they hit my kids top 3 of their Christmas list ....not one to be found!!!....anyway, on Sunday on my way scrapbooking I was on a mission to find some particular beads I need....they didn't have them at my Walmart anymore since they switched around our craft dept...which by the way I DON'T like!!!.....I also needed a rhinestone "T" necklace with earrings...all gone @ our Walmart as well...well, on my way through to get the beads, YES! they had on the necklace....I saw these adorable jammie bottoms....not my size though!!...but look at the cute rhinestone iron on I found....I bought that even though they didn't have my size in the jammie bottoms.....I KNEW I would find them!......and one day later I did!!....the happiness I feel is just wonderful!!!......and after I scored on my jammie bottoms I buzzed over to Mimi's bakery to treat myself to a cupcake!! seemed like the logical thing to do!!!...marzipanmom was not in the I'll be back!
Monday, November 3, 2008
It's over........and it was a heartbreaker....the Chiefs season ended this past Saturday in a 14-6 loss to Pine Richland...we made the playoffs...but another trip to the Superbowl was denied........the boys played hard the whole first half and at half time it was tied 0-0....but the game slipped away and we couldn't get enough points on the board.....we are all so proud of them....they gave us a wonderful season....we were in second place with a 7-2 record.....but the dissapointment is just guy couldn't hold it in and it was a long ride to Monte Cello's where we met some equally sad players and's a long season and a lot of dedication and sacrifice by the players, cheerleaders, families and coaches.....and I would like to thank them all for such wonderful memories.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This is a plaque I got myself at the Shakerwoods craft show a few weeks ago....I have it in my craft my heart is smiling because I got to go on an all day scrapbooking crop!!!!......I've only been to one before.....a soul-sister friend had invited me earlier in the year....and she was thoughtful enough to invite me to the one today at the Scrapbook Station.....
..,.this is all of my stuff ready to go........I have found that in comparision to my friend I bring almost everything I own AND the kitchen sink.....but it's okay for me.....I'm in pretty good shape :) and I can manage to haul it all in one trip...and that's all that matters....the thought of being somewhere and not having what I want freaks me out!.......someday maybe I can walk in with just one little carryall and a plastic case.......but I'm not counting on it!
My friend showed up at our scheduled departure time and we were off!!!!....she goes to crops quite regularly and I am envious of her that she can commit herself to do so.....I am truly going to try and make it more often.....once a month??????......I can never seem to scrap over the summer........and in the fall it's crazy with back to school, football and my Christmas in October week....then it's right into the Halloween festivites......and just these next few weeks I have a small window of opportunity to get a few pages done before the holidays....but come January until school lets out in June, that is my main "season".......I also realize I have many other passions that take up my time and effort as well...and it's a constant struggle for me to try and fit them all in.......knitting, beads, ebay, going to the Y and this lovely blog to name a few......I can only go to bed so late every night!!!......anyway.........the picture above is of our little workspace for the afternoon....I HAD to have a fountain Diet Coke to get the creative thing started!!!......
....which went nicely with the yummy pizzas they served!! yeah!...nothing like a slice to make me smile!.....I was very happy with what I got done the crop...and equally happy with what I did to get ready to go to the crop.....I spent several hours going through umpteen magazines that I have saved to make an idea notebook.....I organized tons of pictures and actually tidied up my craft room a bit, which always makes it more appealing to go into and get to work...and something that I am loving about the whole crop experience is the feedback and ideas that I get from people is invaluable!! added treat that I wasn't expecting!!....I'm hoping this is the jumpstart to many beautiful pages!!!...thanks again dear are a true scrapbooking inspiration to me!