Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is a plaque I got myself at the Shakerwoods craft show a few weeks ago....I have it in my craft my heart is smiling because I got to go on an all day scrapbooking crop!!!!......I've only been to one before.....a soul-sister friend had invited me earlier in the year....and she was thoughtful enough to invite me to the one today at the Scrapbook Station.....

..,.this is all of my stuff ready to go........I have found that in comparision to my friend I bring almost everything I own AND the kitchen sink.....but it's okay for me.....I'm in pretty good shape :) and I can manage to haul it all in one trip...and that's all that matters....the thought of being somewhere and not having what I want freaks me out!.......someday maybe I can walk in with just one little carryall and a plastic case.......but I'm not counting on it!

My friend showed up at our scheduled departure time and we were off!!!!....she goes to crops quite regularly and I am envious of her that she can commit herself to do so.....I am truly going to try and make it more often.....once a month??????......I can never seem to scrap over the summer........and in the fall it's crazy with back to school, football and my Christmas in October week....then it's right into the Halloween festivites......and just these next few weeks I have a small window of opportunity to get a few pages done before the holidays....but come January until school lets out in June, that is my main "season".......I also realize I have many other passions that take up my time and effort as well...and it's a constant struggle for me to try and fit them all in.......knitting, beads, ebay, going to the Y and this lovely blog to name a few......I can only go to bed so late every night!!!......anyway.........the picture above is of our little workspace for the afternoon....I HAD to have a fountain Diet Coke to get the creative thing started!!!......

....which went nicely with the yummy pizzas they served!! yeah!...nothing like a slice to make me smile!.....I was very happy with what I got done the crop...and equally happy with what I did to get ready to go to the crop.....I spent several hours going through umpteen magazines that I have saved to make an idea notebook.....I organized tons of pictures and actually tidied up my craft room a bit, which always makes it more appealing to go into and get to work...and something that I am loving about the whole crop experience is the feedback and ideas that I get from people is invaluable!! added treat that I wasn't expecting!!....I'm hoping this is the jumpstart to many beautiful pages!!!...thanks again dear are a true scrapbooking inspiration to me!

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