Thursday, December 11, 2008

I came up the stairs...

....and this is what I two boys settled in all nice and cozy reading one of Cubby's favorite christmas books!!......I can't tell you how many times we have read that book or watched the dvd....sometimes three times in one day!! .....whoops!...I know...what a bad mommy! :(...but if it makes him happy and I have stuff to do??....oh well!...we have the ornament from Hallmark....the silver bell that Santa gives out as the first gift of Christmas.....I just wish I could freeze them....keep them believing.


  1. That is sooo nice to see. You actually brought some tears to my eyes. I always feel that way these days -- I wish I could freeze my 4 boys so they don't grow up. I know it is selfish of me, but I so love them at this age. I hope for the believing concept too forever. Thanks for the tearing up today! :)

  2. BTW, I love that train quilt from PBK. Ryan has the same one and loves it!

  3. I just got the talk from mine, he told me he doesn't believe any sad...He had to break it to me gently


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