Thursday, December 18, 2008


I can't believe I haven't contributed a post to one of the most important members of our family....PUP!!!!!......she has been with us since Cubby was born...sent as a gift from a dear friend in Harrisburg.....we didn't know she was so important until Cub was 2 years old and a few months before his 3rd birthday I got on ebay and found a replacement to give to him JUST IN CASE something happened to the original.....but she is his best friend....she goes everywhere with us.....his life revolves around her....she has birthday parties with a pup sized cake....she has clothes and toys....I make her a halloween costume every year and she has her own voice too!.....on the christmas CD we made last year for friends and family she even got interviewed!...she goes to school with Cub in his backpack...I could go on and on.......but I did want to make note of the fact that she got her ears!!!....she of course went with us on our first trip to Disney.....Cub said she needed new friends, and as you can see she picked Mickey and Minnie.....then when we saw these cute little ears...just pups size!....they have EVERYTHING in Disney.....she had to have them!!!....even pup got a treat from Disney World!!

1 comment:

The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....