Tuesday, June 23, 2009

lettuce bowl

My Dad and several friends have terrific gardens.....even Cindy Lou has had a little one in the back corner of our yard for a few years. Well, here's mine!!! My sister in law got a "lettuce bowl" a few weeks ago at our local farm stand. It had 3 or 4 different kinds of lettuce. I loved it!! I went back to get one and they were all gone. So I put one together myself. There was only one kind of lettuce left when I went up to the nursery....but that's okay. I'm thrilled with the results!! I have enough almost every day to make a salad for lunch and our dinner. Last Friday when I had a surprise luncheon for my mother in law's 70th birthday I made 24 chicken salad and egg salad croissants. I was happy to put my homegrown lettuce on them! Plus, it just looks pretty!! What a treat for me!!!!!


  1. I love this idea!! I'm adding it to my very looonnnggg list of stuff to do next year!!

  2. It looks so healthy and yummy!

  3. Great Idea. Small, manageable and with a sense of accomplishment. Perfect.


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