Sunday, July 12, 2009

Meet Denise!!!!!!

My dear friend from twitterville and blogland has arrived!!!! She set up a blog a little while ago and I've been stopping by every now and then to see if she was up and running......well, today is her big debut!!!!!! Check out her adorable new blog Life on Stepping Stone Lane. She considers herself technically challenged....but she has set up the cutest little blog......with an adorable cupcake right in the sidebar!!! Let's all welcome her!!!! Great Job Denise!!!!! You Rock!! Have fun!!! :)


  1. Thank you Pam!!! YOU rock!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

  2. You are soooooooo welcome Miss!!! Have fun!!!!!

  3. I popped in to see our girl...sniff...sniff...she's all grown up and blogging...


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....