Monday, August 24, 2009

sharing a beer with my Gram

Today is my Grams birthday....she would have been 93. She passed away 6 years ago from Alzheimers, just a few weeks after Cubby was born.Here is the last picture I have of my grandparents grandfather passed away shortly after this picture was is with all of her grandchildren, except my sister...and Cindylou and T. when they were still little.... There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her. I have soooo many wonderful memories that I hold dear to my heart....She loved to play cards....Euchre is a huge game in the Greenauer family. I would sit for hours and be the score keeper as my parents and grandparents played...I'll never forget one snowy day in Buffalo when we were at her house. My sister and I wanted to play out in the snow....she took our snowsuits and put them in the dryer for a while to warm them up for us before we went out in the cold. She never turned the radio on in the car either...we sang camp songs where ever we went! And when I grew up she loved to share a beer with me....she'd always say, "Wanna split one??" Well.....we'd usually split 6 or 8 ....why she didn't just want her own, I don't know....but she loved a big "head" on her beer...lots of she would sprinkle salt in it!! Happy Birthday Gram...I love you!!!


  1. Your gram sounds like she was a neat lady!!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you in my blog so go by and check it out!!

  2. What a cool relationship you had. I love reading people's memories of their relatives and you have good ones!

  3. she sounds like a very cool lady. it must be the birthdate. my son, who is convinced he's the coolest guy around, turned 4 yesterday!

  4. I remember that picture! Wow we were all so young.

  5. Pam, I loved going to Grandma Heidi's house. She had the best house!!! We loved running around the resturant. Thanks for the remember when...

  6. What a nice way to remember a great lady.


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