Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Train

This is one of Cubby's most favorite things about Christmas...our Lionel North Pole train. The second thing he does every morning is to turn the train on....the first is to get his chocolate out of the advent cabinet :) When Chip was away all last week while I was decorating I saved this one thing for him to do....it about killed me to hear Cubby go on and on about when he would be home to set it up. Well, he's happy now and I love that it is part of our family's tradition. What are some of your favorite traditions.....I'd love to hear!!


  1. My kids break our train every year! I'm thinking about skipping it...

  2. Sounds like he is having a GREAT Christmas countdown between chocolate and choo-choo!

  3. Love the train ~ I've always thought about doing one. My little Action turns all of the christmas lights on first thing in the morning. So cute what they do.


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