Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Always Hate This Part

It's that time of the year when I always go through my kids stuff to make room for the new things that Santa brings. But it always makes me so see the things they once treasured go by the wayside because they are getting bigger and their interests change. There are some things I just can't part with...I stash them up in my attic to save for my grandbabies someday. These are the things Cubby decided to part with this morning. They were the mainstays of his day for several years and it makes me sad to see Tech Decks, Hot Wheels and Pokemon cards take their place.

He was sooooooo in to them he wanted costumes to match!!!! He got each of them for his birthday in October and for his birthday/Halloween portraits we would bring them to Target with us and have a few pictures taken.

Ahoy Matie!!! Here's my little pirate....he was into pirates for a long time....and still busts this costume out every now and then.

Hey Batman!!!! The Bat Cave is being retired too....but even Cubby was having second thoughts....he wanted to be assured that if he changed his mind I could go up and get them out. Of Course!!!!


  1. What a happy boy! Those photos are adorable!

  2. You are amazing with the photo documentation of your life. You make me feel so random. Your kids will SO appreciate you one day.

    These toys are obviously attic bound, but what about the others? Who do you give tehm to? Goodwill no longer takes toys.

  3. What a great idea to take a pic with Cubby's fav toys! Adorable! My 16 year old still has the Harry Potter lego sets in his bookcase...He is ready to part with them (at least dismantle them)but I'm not! Sad mama!
    Wasn't that great for Derek? The first Yankee! He was giving out presents in the Bronx yesterday-love him!

  4. What a wonderful idea to have his portraits taken with them! It's such a great way to document each stage of his life!

    My little guy's three, and when I read posts like this it just makes me so sad, too! It's bittersweet to watch them grow up, isn't it??

    Good idea about purging though...I really need to let go of his baby things, but I'm having a hard time letting go :( :(

  5. The brio train set and Imaginext battle castles will never leave our house. Ever.


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