Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's About Time!!!

I have NEVER taken this long to finish a scarf!!!!! I can't believe it took me soooo long! I started it last fall while I was sitting at football practice....then I got sidetracked with projects for the holidays and life in general....I picked it back up again this spring when lacrosse season started and I was sitting in my chair three nights a week at practice...I saw it on a A Little Bit of Scrap's blog last summer click HERE to see her's :) and she was so kind to share the pattern with me.... check out the bow-tie scarf she made.....I actually had the pattern for that one and made it for my soul sister Marzipan Mom for her birthday last fall.

It was supposed to be a gift for my sister for christmas....but since it wasn't finished on time....I think I'll keep it for a while and wear it once or twice :) Cubby was helping me by taking my picture......

Ummmmmm....and this one is a little blurry. But he was so happy to "help".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is beautiful! I wish I could knit. And I wish the weather was cold enough in FL to wear a scarf...oh well. Great job on this!

  3. Looks great ~ blurry and all ☺! Love the color!

  4. I'm just digging on the color!


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