Friday, May 21, 2010

Favorite Friday

Wow! It feels great to be doing a Favorite Friday post after a 3 week hiatis too! This week I'm featuring these adorable little plates and rack that my mom treated me to when she was up visiting a few weeks ago. I think most people would call them appetizer plates......but not the treat girl!!!!

They are cupcake plates to me!!!!! I saw something similar in a cute little gift shop when I was away in Atlanta a few weeks ago...but they were sold individually and didn't come with a little rack.......these are waaaay more adorable!! Wouldn't you agree???? :)


  1. Cute! And the cupcake looks yummy too :)

  2. Welcome back! We missed you!

  3. So glad you are back. I had forgotten why you weren't posting, just that the picture on my blog stayed the same forever.

    Love the plates with their accompanying rack.

  4. They work great for cupcakes considering I love them Loads!:) have a good one!

  5. BOTH are lovely!

  6. cute plates bu the beads are even cuter-there is a bead making class here in Saskatoon each fall I am itching to take!


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....