The Treatgirl celebrated her birthday this past weekend...yep, you know it! 29!!!! .....she loooooves that her birthday falls on a long holiday weekend here in the States....loaded with picnics and parties.....she just thinks it's all for her! It was a gooooorrrgeous weekend weather-wise....and Treatgirl headed up to her Dad's with a few of the kids...Chip joined them a little later....but before she left, Chip just came right out and asked her what she wanted for her birthday this year....apparently the 85 hints I dropped about the ice cream maker attatchement for Minnie, my pink Kitchenaid mixer fell on deaf ears????! When I told him, he commented that he didn't really like ice cream....uh, and your point is??? Whose birthday is this? And why did you ask?????

Then I mentioned I had been wanting the Sky High Cake cookbook FOR.EVER.... and he said he thought I had enough cookbooks, why would I want another one????? ummm.....Treatgirl just sipped her coffee and said, Well....I'd really like a bike so I can go riding with Cubby, and I would share it with Cindylou, because she needs one too...I even sent him a picture of the pink one I saw at Target to his Blackberry.....his comment was that he really didn't think a bike was such a great idea either....Would you really even ride it???? ....At this point Treatgirl went in on the computer and looked up the ice cream maker and cookbook on amazon and put them in the shopping cart and left it up on the screen for Chip to see. Then on my drive up to my Dad's he called and said he ordered the things from amazon.....Happy Birthday!!
I spent most of the weekend hanging out here.....
Or floating here....drinking my favorite summer-time drink....Coconut Rum and limeaid.
Here I am with my Dad.......enjoying dinner and the cupcakes I made for myself....yep! I dragged Minnie, my mixer up to Buffalo so I could make my own cupcakes!!! They were amazing!
And I guess Cindylou got on the phone with Chip to stress that I REALLY did want a bike....but since we would be sharing it, could he please not pick out a pink one...that would be way too embarrassing! So when he got up to my dad's he surprised me with a bike too!!!
Then there was one last treat.........my real life girlfriend, Marzipanmom knocked on my door with THIS!!!!!!!!! I got goosebumps! I'm not even sure what it is called....it is french pastries and starts with a "P"....they are like little creampuffs and are piled on top of each other....then held together with spun sugar!! I was hoping she'd have her post up on this so I could link to it....but check her out! SHE ROCKS!!!!!!!! Click HERE to see some of her super great recipes, you WON'T be dissappointed!
Men, seriously sometimes they need someone to light a fire under their.... ok anyway.. Looks like a WONDERFUl b-day and hurray for Amazon and daughters!!! Happy birthday Treat girl! You look GREAT!
The Big Man does the same thing - can't take a hint...if specifics are given he still buys something else he feels is better...why another nightgown you have 5 (3 have holes)!?! Because it's my day and its what I want - I so miss my mom for this reason, she made things special. I have a lot of useless items bought and are just waiting for a garage sale or goodwill, as a matter of fact I saw a sweater from Christmas that is still riding around in Big Man's trunk he still hasn't returned!!! I am adamant that I will raise the boys differently and to care!!!
Sounds like you had a great birthday! I do the "shopping cart" trick all the time; it had to be obvious or else men just won't get it! Love your new bike too. :)
Happy Birthday!
The dessert is a piece montee or croquembouche pronounced croak-em-boosh and the post is finally up! Happy Birthday!
Good friends are great to have, aren't they! Hope you had a great birthday. I had to laugh as you described the steps you had to take to get the gift you had requested! Been there...done that!
Oh you LUCKY, LUCKY girl! I'm so glad that you had such an amazing birthday!
Oh it is such a drag when people don't LISTEN when you tell them important stuff. But glad your dad came through--Many Happy Returns of your special day!
Happy Birthday! I'll have to look into the ice cream maker for the kitchenaid and that yummy cookbook! I already have the pink bike. Enjoy!
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