Friday, October 15, 2010

Favorite Friday

Happy Friday Friday to you bloggy friends :) This week I was busy running around all over the place and I missed lunch one day....while I was running out of Walmart with random stuff, I grabbed these....and can I just say I ate half the bag on my way home...and the other half while I was putting my stuff away. They are sooooo good!! The PER.FECT amouont of dust/flavor and a great crunch. You totally have to try them!!

....and these are a very close second. I really shouldn't make bags of toasted chips a meal...but oh well.....there could be worse things :) Have a terrific weekend...and don't forget to throw a bag or two of these in your cart!


  1. I've only tried the wheat thin ones ~ I'll have to try the others :) Have a great weekend!!

  2. I heart the wheat thin ones..

  3. Way healthier than the box of Crunch and Munch I ate for lunch the other day :) Don't tell Tammy!

  4. your snack posts ALWAYS make me run to the cupboard! no more chipolte posts-we don't hav eone in Cnada and my hubby can't bring it over the border :(


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....