Friday, December 24, 2010

Favorite Friday

Cindylou and I are addicted to this Edy's Peppermint ice cream. At this time of the year anything even remotely reltated to candy canes has me hooked. It is slow churned and yummy...with little bits of candy canes in it. And OF COURSE it is "limited edition"....which means I better stock up on a bunch before they are all gone! A lovely winter treat!!


  1. You've got to try my recipe for peppermint brownie chunk ice cream sans the brownies! It's our absolute favorite! Put Minnie to work and you can have it year-round!

  2. I think that would be great with hot fudge on top...
    Hope your Christmas is merry!


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....