Friday, January 28, 2011

Favorite Friday

I'm totally addicted to Vaseline!!!!!! Up until this point in my life, I'm not even sure I've ever even finished a whole tub of I can't get enough! Check out the new has a cool flip lid! I am working it into my hands and cuticles all day long, rubbing it on my legs after shaving in the shower and putting it on my lips to keep them from getting chapped in the bitter cold and wind we've had around here. There's even cute little trial size one... The treatgirl looooooves anything that comes in a trial size :)

It's been around forever....but has just recently found a permanent place in my heart! Try some! For $3 for a big huge tub of it, you won't be dissappointed.


  1. I'm kind of addicted to Aquaphor. There is a tube located in every room of my house. Vaseline would be cheaper........ Have a great weekend Miss Treat!

  2. My kids like it, too. It's on my shopping list--we're nearly out!


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....