Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Joy!

We Soul Sisters had another little get together to celebrate a real-life friend from Joy Beadworks birthday was today....things have been crazy for all of us, so we had a mini-celebration today, with the real shin-dig coming sometime in July.

But certainly we had to have cake! Marzipan lovingly volunteered to bake her very favorite Carrot was scrumptious as always!!! She even switched it up a bit by throwing a handful of coconut in. It was a short little visit....but very sweet :)


  1. oh happy birthday to her...i love some carrot cake! yum

  2. Thank You Treat! It WAS a treat to have you all stop by. I can honestly say it was the best part of my week!


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....