Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Cupcake Tree

I just had to share my cupcake tree with you! You may remember last year I got the prettiest slim tree to hang all of my snowmen ornaments on. I keep it up until Valentine's Day and I just love it. Weeeeellll.....THIS year as I was putting up my trees, I realized I had several REALLY cute cupcake ornaments. I looked around and thought "I have two trees, and I always like things in 3' more little tree would make me happy." The clincher was when my sister in law gave me three more sparkly, adorable cupcakes on Christmas Eve. Well, the day after Christmas I was going around to a few stores and there was the cutest little tree, an Walgreens. Just $7. I stood in front of it and thought Hubs would surely kill me if I came home with one more see I already have FOUR! But it would be PER.FECT for my Cupcake dream. I sneaked it into my house and in just a few minutes snitched all of my sweet cupcakes off of my main tree and VOILA!

Last year at my Soul Sisters Christmas party my dear real-life friend Marzipanmom stitched us a little cupcake...and I also made a cupcake ornament. And all the little ones with the red cherry on top, I picked up at Walmart last year and have had sitting on my craft room table....I was going to use them as little present toppers, but I just didn't want to share them :( So all 8 of them are now together on my tree!...and believe it or not, but another friend got me the same ones in blue! Lucky me :)

Here is a picture of all three of my trees in the great room. I LOoooooOOOOOOove it! Hubs made the comment it is looking like a jungle in here, but I don't care!

Happy Cupcakes to you! As you can see....a little tree can hold any of your favorite treats :)


  1. I love it!! I have a soul sisters tree this year in my office nook with all of the ornaments we have made on it! It makes me smile!

  2. Very cute but I'm too lazy to put up as many trees as you do! I'll just visit your house to enjoy the jungle :)


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....