To say that Cub is addicted to Beyblades is an understatement. I don't even think there is a word in the english language that can convey what is going on over here. He lives, eats, sleeps, watches on Youtube and breathes Beyblades. 24/7. It's all he's asked Santa for the past two years. Birthdays too. And he has spent hours the past several days writing out his birthday list for guessed it, all Beyblades. He isn't happy with just the ones from Walmart or Target. "No Hasbro" he says....only the real deal from China....which involves international shipping and takes a month! Chip helped him set up his own channel on Youtube....he tapes all of his battles and uploads them too. Craaaaaaaazzy! I haven't had a child with this type of obsession over anything yet. He has several friends in his class that bring their Beyblades to school everyday for indoor recess...they use the Candyland box top for their arena and battle. This brings us to the tournament......
Cub was trying to talk me into taking him to New Jersey to a Toys r Us that was having a Beyblade tournament a few weeks ago....this is a good 8 hour drive away. I of course, was NOT doing we decided to have everyone over to our house for our own Beyblade tournament.
The invitations were sent, we made decorations and a bracket poster to keep track of the battles....he even made an ice arena in a big huge plastic bowl I have. Just like the Winter Classic hockey game. I didn't get a picture of that....but it was a big hit!
All the boys brought their own Beyblades and several arenas. Every mom that dropped them off was thrilled for the afternoon!!! "What a GREAT idea" was what I heard over and over :)
We had several battles going.......
....then it was time for homemade chocolate chip cookies.
It was very close at the end to determine the Beyblade champion.
Look at the trophy the were fighting for....the winner has agreed to host the next tournament. 3-2-1 Let it RIP!!!!!
Bey blades are ALL the rage here, too! Way to let your son LET IT RIP!
I feel like a total loser.... I have an 8 year old son and have NO IDEA about these things! Sounds like super fun party and agreed, what a GREAT idea!
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