Wow. I can't believe it's almost the end of January. I have been loving my days. It's been snowy and cold and I've been very busy knitting, sewing and painting!! A lot. I always like to get started on my Christmas knitting in the days right after Christmas...and this year I got going on mittens. I like to have several pair in my stash. I even knit a red pair for Cub's bus driver for Valentine's Day. And for the record I don't need to look at the pattern anymore and I can knit a pair in 2 hours and 10 minutes without a potty break.

Look at this!!!! A hot water bottle cover. Who woulda thunk? I had seen one knit in cashmere on Restoration Hardware's website when I was looking around at Christmas time for $119! ....and I saw another one in my Country Living issue knit in alpaca on a farm in upstate New York fpr $68. So of course the Treatgirl decided she must need one and googled "free hot water bottle patterns" and found one for herself. I tweeked it a little bit and just used some Lions Brand yarn I had in my stash. That was the easy part. I didn't even know where to find the hot water bottle!!! Just in case you need one....they have them at Walmart for $4.87.

Chip went to Nashville a week ago and and that also set off a flurry of sewing and painting. It all started with a new rug by my front door......Which lead to painting the office. And then the dining room. Which meant the front hall, powder room and upstairs hallway. And CindyLou's bedroom. I did that all on my own. HE'S GONNA HELP me with the stairways, kitchen and great room. Hopefully by February 14th!! That's my deadline. :) And if I wasn't painting walls....I was painting on my ceramics. I making the cutest little things ever. NO pictures yet.....maybe later this week. Wheh. Then it was sewing new pillows. I had been around to TJMaxx and Marshall's several times and didn't find anything that spoke to me....But the down pillow inserts I had were perfectly fine. So I just got some fabric and made them myself.
And another set for the love seat....See my pretty snowman tree in the background?
Which lead to a new cover for the window seat in my kitchen.
And if I wasn't painting or sewing I was knitting these adorable little hearts. I had forgotten all about them until a friend stopped over for a quick little lesson the day I was painting my dining room. It was a wonderful break and I was happy she inspired me. Click
HERE for the pattern. Chip is away again all next week.......It's on to the kiddos bathroom re-do! And maybe a little more painting and knitting :)