Thursday, January 24, 2013

It Took Me a While.....

 Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone is happy and heatlhy! The last few weeks have been a blur and I've been wanting to share so's just life has gotten in the way. And my new phone..... Santa brought me the Samsung Galaxy and I know I'm going to love it some day.....but I'm still learning and it's getting frustrating. Anyhoo....I took these pictures of our Soul Sister Christmas party and it's taken me this long to figure out how get them off of my phone and into the computer. Yikes!!! Our annual Christmas get together was actually in January this I'm not as late as it really seems. One of our sisters was very sick so we post-poned it until January 2nd. Which was sooooo nice. We met at our traditional little restaurant....

 ...We played the guess-the-waiters-name game. I was there early and he introduced himself to me and I still didn't remember it!! So I got to play too :) Here I am with MarzipanMom.

Of course we had our ornament exchange. Always homemade for less than $10.

Here are the sisters with a little extra treat I knitted for everyone....

Coffee cup cozies!! They all loved them.....Can you believe I didn't make one for myself??? I might have to do that.

And of course we conned our waiter into taking our group shot too. This year the day after the party I ran into my local Walgreens to buy my 6th tree just for all of my precious Soul Sister ornaments. I tried to sneak it in, but Chip noticed. Oh well....I don't care. It is perfect!!! And I already know what I'm making for 2013! Hope your holidays were happy!!!!! Bundle up and keep warm!


  1. Happy New Year! Looks like you and your girlfriends had a great time...friends are so special!

  2. Happy New Year to you too Ms. Treat :) Looks like you and the ladies had a fabulous time!!!


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....