Monday, July 28, 2008

cedar point

Just back from the family vacay at Cedar was with my husband's past years we have gone to Myrtle Beach, house boat vacations, beach houses, cottages on a lake......but this was a first!!........we had beautiful weather to go to the park and Soak City....but I have to admit I am NOT a thrill seeker!!!!!....(and I hate scary movies too!)...I am very happy to hold everyones stuff, take picutres, eat junk and take Cubby around to his rides.....I can't even ride in the back seat of my mini van let alone go 125 mph on a roller coaster....I did ride a few with Cubby and one of my nieces and felt truly compelled to scream her name the entire time, like it was her fault that I was hating it and felt utterly out of control!!!...and I've never seen so many tatoos in my life!! it an amusement park thing??....we took some pool breaks...cocktails included!.... ate out in restaurants......which was wonderful!!!.....because all of the other trips entail the moms taking a turn cooking a night for the crowd of 25 plus breakfasts and this was a treat!!! first glance the cabins we stayed in were really cute.....but on closer examination they were just really mobile homes tricked out to look like a cabin....I can see how a lot of domestics can start in a trailer if you were living in one full time.........the girls even sneaked in a quick trip to Target .... it was all good.........until my 11 year came down with a 104 fever and threw up on the way home!!!....bummer.......


  1. Sounds like a great trip. I thought I was the only one who didn't like scarry movies! My kids have inherited this trait too. Even the most cartoonish villian worries them!

    Living in such close quarters for a week works like a magnet: it either pulls you together or pushes you apart (somtimes a little of each).

  2. Your trip sounds fun! Hey, I don't like scary movies either - I refuse to watch them, but I don't mind roller coasters. We're headed to Hershey Park later this month...hope we have just as nice weather!


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