Wednesday, July 30, 2008

seven up

The other morning at kickboxing while we were jumping rope..(yeah! they finally got some new jumpropes!!)....I was thinking about how much fun jumping rope used to be when I was in fourth grade.....not so much anymore!.......then I remembered a game we played all the time called seven up......I would go over to my friend Nancy's house and stand in her front yard and yell "Oh Nan-cy, can you come out and play?".....this was way before texting!!!!....she would run out and we would play all day....and when we got thirsty we would drink from the hose!!!...I asked around to see if anyone remembered the rules because I thought it would be nostalgic to play it with my daughter, and no one could remember of course I did one of my favorite things, and googled it!!!.....and if you'd like to are the rules.................this is a game for 2 or 3 players that requires a wall (usually the side of a house or school) paved ground and a medium sized ball.....each of the seven levels is done seven times and then repeated seven times with seven different additions. You continue up the levels until you make a mistake, at which time you turn the ball over to the next player. When your turn comes again you begin from the level you missed previously......the levels are as follows:
1. throw the ball against the wall and catch it seven times
2. throw the ball against the wall and allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
3. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times
4. throw the ball against the wall, hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and catch it seven times
5. throw the ball against the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once and catch it seven times
6. throw the ball against the wall , hit it back to the wall , allow it to bounce once and dribble it once and catch it seven times
7.throw the ball against the wall hit it back to the wall allow it to bounce once, dribble it once, hit it back to the wall and catch it seven times

Once you've done each of these seven levels, do each level again with the following additions:
1. clap once after throwing the ball
2. clap twice after after throwing the ball
3. twirl in a circle after throwing the ball
4. do the seven levels using only your right hand
5. do the seven levels using only your left hand
6. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your right leg
7. do the seven levels throwing the ball under your left leg

........and there you have it!!!!!!!........something to try one of these days when you realize the kiddos been watching tv way to long and you yell at them to go outside and find something to do!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm exhausted just reading the rules! I bet the kids will love it!


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