Cindylou and I are addicted to this Edy's Peppermint ice cream. At this time of the year anything even remotely reltated to candy canes has me hooked. It is slow churned and yummy...with little bits of candy canes in it. And OF COURSE it is "limited edition"....which means I better stock up on a bunch before they are all gone! A lovely winter treat!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Favorite Friday
Cindylou and I are addicted to this Edy's Peppermint ice cream. At this time of the year anything even remotely reltated to candy canes has me hooked. It is slow churned and yummy...with little bits of candy canes in it. And OF COURSE it is "limited edition"....which means I better stock up on a bunch before they are all gone! A lovely winter treat!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Knit-mas!!!!!!
The Treatgirl has been very busy over here...most of my gifts were handknit. I have a big bin of yarn in my craft room with the leftovers from projects over the years. When I was away with my Soul Sisters last month we visited a little town for the day that actually has two yarn shops in it....that's pretty crazy....but, I got on a knitting roll after that weekend and haven't stopped. But as a challenge to myself, I wanted to only use yarn that I had. So I got creative...
I knit some scarves.....who knew I had so much red yarn??? I love knitting just a little scarf. I like doing them on a bigger needle, like a size 11 or so....they are quick and easy...I keep them shorter and wear them all day...even in the house.
Well, this one I actually bought the yarn for...but used all 40% off coupons at it was really reasonable. It took me almost all of Cub's football season, knitting at most knit this sweater for my SIL. It's a big surprise for her. I hope she likes it.
And how cute is this scrappy hat? I look at it and can see all of the different projects I knit with the yarn I used....
These are the fingerless gloves I knit for my Soul Sisters to help keep them toasty warm this winter. And check out my post from yesterday to see the A.DOR.ABLE candy cane cozies I whipped up too. I started with just a few and ended up making over 30 of them! I think I'm going to take a little break and eat a few cookies now :) Have a very Merry Christmas bloggy friends!! Many blessings to you all and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Candy Cane Cozy
I just love candy canes....What is Christmas without them?? I've never hung them on my tree though....When I was looking around for an ornament idea for my Soul Sisters ornament exchange I came upon these cute little candy cane cozy's. I thought you could hang them on your tree, or give as a little gift.
I happened to have some white yarn in my yarn bin so I thought I would whip some up....All you need is a size 6 needle, 100% cotton 4-ply yarn, a silver bell, buttons and ribbon.
I cast on 25 stitches....I needed to play around a bit to see how long it needed to be to fit the candy canes.
Then I knit 10 rows....or until the piece measures about 1 3/4" x 5". Cast off, fold it in half and sew it together.
When sewing the bottom closed, use the yarn to add the bell.
Then sew the button on the top. Fold the ribbon in half and sew it into the inside of the cozy. Be patient, the opening is really tiny.
I made a few of them...and got the idea to make 23 more to give one to each of Cub's classmates at the Holiday Breakfast this morning at school. Weeellll....making one or two goes pretty quick....but 23 takes a bit longer! Especially when there is shopping to finish, wrapping to do, and cookies to bake...but they turned out so cute. A sweet treat :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Favorite Friday
This is an AB.SO.LUTE favorite of mine this holiday season!! I actually bought it for myself about 12 hours after I made a promise to myself to not get ANYthing for me this season. Well, THAT didn't last....I was at home in Buffalo in my Dad's little town shopping in a cuuuute little gift shop for my cousin and aunt. Shhhhhh, don't tell :) And this was the first thing I saw. I tried it on 3 times, every time reminding me of my promise....and in the end I said to myself, "This is the ONLY thing I'll get!!" I have worn it a bunch of times already, and with all of the snow we've had already this year around here it is JUST perfect. I looooooove it for me, a little Christmas treat to myself. Have you treated yourself to anything?????
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Wishing Ornament

Have you ever seen one of these? Or heard of it??? I came across the Wishing Ornament when I was looking around for an easy ornament idea for Cub's Holiday party at school. This is the one featured over at Red Envelope for $29.99. Essentially you write a wish on a little slip of paper and tuck it inside. Whether you're wishing for peace on earth, or a can look back on your wishes over the years and see if any came true.
Well, I simplified mine a bit by getting one of those plastic ornaments that opens up at Michaels, and making a little tag for it.
This is the wish Cubby wrote on his slip of paper. Can you figure it out???? He is wishing for a Golden Retriever. That is a topic for a whole other post............
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas....Soul Sister Style!
It's the most wonderful time of the year...celebrating Christmas with my Soul Sisters!! It is one of the things I look forward to most at the HERE to see our first annual S.S. christmas......and HERE to see last years shin-dig. Ms. Joy got the ball rolling this year...we agreed again to make ornaments for each of our "Sisters" and meet for dinner. Marzipan was the first to arrive and she snagged us a table. For some reason we have gotten into trying to guess our waiters name, and we all think it is utterly hysterical ?????? But Marzipan quizzed him and she knew what it was and made us all guess it....with just one little had 3 letters! After much guessing and trying to get it out of him we found out it was Ken.....but we didn't really like that so we called him Gus all night. Ya kinda had to be I said, it's hysterical to us ????? we are for our group photo shoot...
When I found out about our party and ornament exchange, my first thought was to knit little mini pairs of mittens and hang them on a I went into my yarn stash and saw that I have a boat load of yarn and kinda got side tracked knitting everyone a fingerless pair of gloves! They turned out really cute....more on all of my holiday knitting in another post to come.
But let me share with you the SUPER.CUTE ornaments my crafty little sisters came up with this year.....I love them all!!!! The hand-stitched felt cupcake was made by Marzipan (which I almost made as well!!!!!) She sent a text last weekend while she was in NYC with her hubs saying that she was working on our ornaments. Now THAT is love!!
Girl in the sticks bought all the S's that Kohl's had and put them together to make our very own bedazzled Soul Sister monograms....Soul Sisters, or Super Sexy???? hmmmmm...
And can you get over how adorable the little tea cup and saucer are that Ms. Joy made????? She actually glued the cup and saucer together and made miniture tea bags with our own little personlized tags!!!!! With glitter snowflakes and our intials to boot. We ooohed and ahhhed over these for a while.
Jennifer Juniper has had a crew of Amish men in her house for days finishing off her basement and could only work with what supplies she had in her check this out......paper christmas trees. VERY ingenious!!!
I actually made cupcakes as well. I ran out right away and got my supplies....but then got side-tracked making the gloves for DAYS....and only got going on making these sweet little things the afternoon thank goodness they literally only took a minute and forty-five seconds to make!
I packaged them up in a cupcake box so it looked like I got them at the bakery! It was a snowy, blustery night...but being with my Soul Sisters warmed my heart AND my soul.....thank you so much dear friends!!! Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What You Can Make With Christmas Cards....
I love to get christmas cards from all of my friends and family...Some people never know what to do with those pictures that people share. Generally, it's the same families that are into sending a picture every click HERE and see what I do with them......But several years ago I helped the older kids turn those beautiful cards into Christmas placemats!
We get them out at this time of the year and I get so sentimental because they are growing up so fast. But really they are so easy to make....Just get white poster board and cut it to the size and shape you want and let the kids cut the cards up and glue them all over.
When they are dry turn them over and have them personlize them with markers, and maybe an outline of their hand....
Then just take them up to Kinko's and have them laminated. Easy, Smeazy! You can whip several up in no time and they make great gifts too!
Click HERE to see what my dear bloggy friend Wendy makes with her gonna love it! Do you have any fun ideas for your cards?????
I'm going to link up over at my friend Jennifer Juniper's tutorial Tuesday.....come check it out......
Monday, December 13, 2010
Just look at this happy guy!! I rescued him a few months ago. When my mother in law passed away in August my father in law went through all of the seasonal decorations and put everything in boxes in his garage for all of us to go through. Cindylou and I stopped over and went through everything. We couldn't resist this little guy. He was a little bit bedraggled....a few seams coming apart, his jingle bells tarnished and a stain on his white collar....but impish and cute just the same. I brought him home and last week I performed surgery, replaced his bells with shiny gold ones and used a little oxyclean on his collar. I got him looking his cutest again. I was hoping to surprise Chip with a happy memory from Christmases when he was little.....but he didn't even recognize him!!!
But I perched him on a branch on our tree and love that he is smiling at me through the holday season...reminding me that everything is fun! There is a book about a magical elf, that comes with an elf that you can move around your house....I saw it at Barnes and Noble....but this little guy is just as magical for our family. I'm hoping he will give our family many happy holiday memories.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Favorite Friday
If these aren't a favorite of yours yet....they should be. They have a "Don't gain, Maintain" program at my gym during the holidays. Essentially you get weighed the week of Thanksgiving, then again the first week of January....and the idea is not to gain over the holidays. I made a deal with myself to not eat any candy for those weeks. weeelll.....that didn't go very well. These are a FAVORITE of mine, and they only have them at this time of the year. I couldn't help myself and bought a box while I was in Target...the only place I've found that has them. I only had a few every couple of days....I'm not happy I broke my promise to myself...but oh well...a few Peppermint Junior Mints helps keep me in the holiday spirit!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Gingerbread House
Last weekend Cub and I worked on our gingerbread house...I'm not that great at I just buy the kit. And I learned a lot over the last few years...I bought a pre-made house this time....because last year there were tears ....
We of course added some extra candy because those kits come with some really dumb stuff...
And I have to say this is the best results we've had yet. But let me just ask....what is the etiquette on the house situation???? Cubby wants to start eating the candy off of it as soon as he places the last gum drop on.....I at least want to enjoy it for 24 hours before he starts picking at it. What are you doing out there bloggy friends??
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sprinkles! Sprinkles!
I got together with a dear friend of mine last week. We've been friends for 23 years....we met in flight attendent training for USairways. I've since retired, but she is still flying the friendly skies and I am lucky enough to have her bring me special treats from around the these wonderful sprinkles! They are from Denmark. I fell in love with them when she made me cookies topped with them for my birthday. She shared the recipe with me when she gave me the sprinkles, but I haven't had a chance to make them yet. She pointed out that the picture on the box shows them on toast....another way they enjoy the sprinkles in Denmark....couldn't be too much worse than I donut I imagine??? Anyhoo....I have enough sprinkles here to sprinkle away for the next several I better start baking!
I couldn't believe I found these sprinkles locally just a few days after my friend gave me mine...all the way from Amsterdam! So, if you'd like to try them you can visit Baldinger's and get some for yourself. Click HERE to see what Baldinger's is all about......
....and here is the cookie recipe if you'd like to try them:
Colorful Cookies
1 package (3oz.) jello...any flavor (save 1 TSBP. for glaze)
1 cup powered sugar
1 cup butter
2 1/4 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
colorful glaze:
1 Tbsp. jello
3 water
~mix these together and let stand for 5 minutes. Then stir in 2 cups powdered sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla.
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Reserve 1 Tbsp. jello for glaze. Mix remaining jello, powdered sugar and butter. Stir in flour and salt. Shape into 1 inch balls and bake 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets for about 8-10 minutes. Cool, then dip cookies into glaze.....Then decorate with the sprinkles...or coconut or colored sugar. They are suuuuuuuper yummy!!!! Enjoy :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Favorite Friday
Thursday, December 2, 2010
A Christmas Cupcake
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy December!!
Yep. For Reals. It's here!!! Even though the marketing gurus of the world would like us to think the season really starts in is now officially "The Season" by my book. We spent a few days after Thanksgiving getting our tree, wreaths and decorations up. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care. I've made a few repairs to some always seems one or two need a little glue or glitter to bring them back to life. The advent calendar is out with chocolates and treats waiting behind the doors for the kiddos to find. My cards are done and I'm planning what cookies to bake and dishes to bring for Christmas menu for Christmas Day is's always the same. Spinach salad, ham, scalloped potatoes and fresh green beans. My shopping and wrapping are well under way....and I just have to put together the Holiday Breakfast for Cubby's class on the last day of school. I have several fun things already on the calendar that I'm looking forward far, no holiday stress....check back with me in a few weeks!!
And check it out! It snowed on the first day of "The Season"! It was a total suprise to me when I looked out the windows this morning. I loooooooved it!!! I'm exited for all of the fun....just stay calm, enjoy! will all get done :)
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