Monday, October 24, 2011

Glass Jar Mummy Candles

I have seen these super cute mummy candles all over the place, and decided the kiddos needed to help me make them! They weren't hard at all....just a little bit messy.

Here's what you need:
1. A jar of whatever size you'd like
2. gauze- I just used the kind from my first aid kit. It was pretty wide, so I cut it into 2 strips.
3. Elmers glue

Pour Elmers glue into a small bowl and add a little bit of water to thin it out. Then soak the gauze strips in the glue. Take a strip one at a time and wrap it around your jar. It will be pretty wet, so try and squeeze a little of the glue out. This doesn't have to be perfect at all.....mummy's are pretty old and not perfect :) Let it dry overnight. You can use a black Sharpie marker to decorate the face. I had some googly eyes in my stash and thought they looked good.

Look how spooky they look :)Hey...Why don't you link up to my real-life friend Jennifer Juniper's amazing linky party...I just did!

1 comment:

The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....