Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pup is a Robot

For those of you who've been around a while...Pup is Cubby's best friend. And I have the privilege of making her a Halloween costume every year. Last year she was a China Girl ...and click HERE to see her as a Princess, Ghost and Witch!! Yep...I know you're all thinking the Treatgirl has lost her mind. But I don't care....before I know it Pup won't be his best friend anymore......why not make him happy?? Happy Halloween!!


  1. First, love the new blog background. second, love your rationale for making pup a robot--enjoy these years of childhood while they last!

  2. Love it! How super sweet of you to dress up Pup for Cubby! I'm sure he loves it and after all, they are only young once! :)


The treat girl loves to hear from you!!!...so leave me a little treat....