Thursday, January 31, 2013

More Jars

I love my jars. You can click HERE to see another little post I did on other jars I love......Here are a few I keep out all winter. My dad's girlfriend gave me the snowman one on the left. It makes me happy. And the one on the right I got the day after Christmas a few years ago. They are both from the Hallmark store. And how perfect is that snowflake votive holder I got at RiteAid drugstore? ahhhhhh.....snowflakes. Don't get me started. I love them too!

Well look what I scored on at my Goodwill last week. Another Hallmark jar. With snowflakes AND mittens. MITTENS. LOVE THEM TOO. You can't really see it....but the knob on top is in the shape of a little jingle bell....

The same day I got the mitten jar, I got this merry days jar. From the Hallmark! And today I scored on ANOTHER one. I couldn't just leave it there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup. You guessed it.  Another jar from Hallmark. And mind you almost all of them still had the Hallmark sticker tags on the bottom. But I only paid .99 cents for him and $1.99 for the the other ones. I know I can't keep all of them.....So some of them may turn up as a treat for someone special next year :)

1 comment:

The treat girl loves to hear from you!!! leave me a little treat....