Saturday, June 7, 2008

fruit extravaganza!

When I got asked to bring a fruit tray to my niece's graduation first thought can I make it special????.......I remembered seeing this in a cooking magazine I had from last year, so I started to rumage around looking for it......I finally found it after hunting through several back issues.......I studied it for while and thought "I can do this!!".......I spent a few days trying to find just the right fruit dip recipe .......and then the "steps" turned into a project!! called for four 10" round pieces of styrofoam and four 6" ones as well....I went to Joannes and had no idea they were going to be almost $25!!!! I went home and found some that I had tucked away in case I had a fragile ebay package I need to send out, and made my own!! husband secured them with dowel rods and I was in business!!!.......I decided to build it at the party because there was no way I was going to be able to drive it there even though they live just a few houses away...I'm just so happy it turned out so nice and it was delicious too!!!


Deanna said...

WOW! Looks beautiful AND delicious! I hope your graduating niece appreciates all the effort that went into that masterpiece! I'm sure you wouldn't mind just whipping that up again for the sewing bee...? :)

GerberaGirl said...

That is gorgeous!! You always surprise me. I just wonder why I missed the gene?????