Friday, July 2, 2010

Favorite Friday

We are in looooove with these popsicle makers! I know everyone probably has some, but the ones we used to have were a pain in the could never get them out of the holder. I got these at Walmart this week. Actually I only bought one, then I went back and got another one so we'd have plenty for friends... then a THIRD time to get a back up because we had already lost one of the "sticks"...and I got a few extra to give away as treats. We've been filling them with pink lemonade and they are deeeeeeeliish!


Southern Belle Mama said...

Pink lemonade sounds tasty! I'll have to get a pack...we want to make some rainbow pudding pops soon.

Anonymous said...

Try freezing yogurt smoothies in them! My boys love that.

Deanna said...

They look just the right size too! I have similar ones, but they're almost too big...

Joy Beadworks said...

Thanks for the kids love to make their own popsicles.